Last year was a rough one for my blog. I’ve been at this for a few years now, and for whatever reason, I hit a mental wall and it stopped me from writing in here. It became a chore, and, like most people, chores are not something I enjoy. For a long time I completely […]
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Careful, anti-gay marriage folks…
I had to share this – it’s really too funny! A client of mine sent it to me (yes, my clients are awesome). Caution: a few areas make it NOT SAFE FOR WORK or young kids. It’s also a smidge too wide for my layout… sorry ’bout that! Enjoy. I did! Have a super […]
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Hey…! 27 days and counting, until we finally get the keys to our new house. I’m of mixed emotions about this place, to be honest. We have been pushed back so many times that the excitement was lost months ago. We were supposed to be in last December, just before Christmas, and they didn’t even […]
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