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Archive for the 'About Moi' Category

Home stretch

Hey…! 27 days and counting, until we finally get the keys to our new house. I’m of mixed emotions about this place, to be honest. We have been pushed back so many times that the excitement was lost months ago. We were supposed to be in last December, just before Christmas, and they didn’t even […]

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Generation canyon

Last year when we bought our as-yet-un-moved-into house, we meet a couple future neighbours-around-the-corner that we really hit it off with. “He” is our age, and he and the hubby instantly got along well. Really well, which was fabulous. “She”, on the other hand, was in her 20s. It really didn’t seem to matter though, […]

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You’ve left me, haven’t you…

I don’t blame you. I’ve been a dodgy blogger for a while now. Except for my weekly Sensational Haiku, I post almost nothing at all! Yep, I’m busy. So are you though, and most of you manage to publish a few thoughts now and then. I think my last “real” post said something about doing […]

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