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Archive for the 'Life in General' Category

Stressed out

It always happens to me around this time of year – my company is based on a contract that I got a few years back – I could tell you what I do, but then I’d have to kill you – and every year around this time when it comes to renew with my biggest […]

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Coming out of the closet

Yesterday I spent about 3 hours in my closet, mostly undressed, and in front of a full length mirror. I may never recover. That’s an awfully long time to spend not only standing in a closet, but looking at yourself. In a full length mirror. In various degrees of your altogether. (No pictures. You’re welcome.) […]

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Forward thinking

In an effort to get past this rotten week, and in response to my friend Jade’s last very cool post, I’ve been thinking about life. Mostly about what makes life worth living, and what I’d like to do with mine! I’ve always had a bucket list of sorts, mostly locked away in the recesses of […]

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