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Archive for the 'Kids' Category

Care Package for the Teen

It hasn’t even been a full 2 weeks until Sunday, but it feels like my first born has been gone for a very long time. She called me on my birthday anniversary and sounded very on edge. Seems that the weather has been lousy, and half the girls in her dorm have been crying at […]

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Life updates

I don’t have much going on this week that begs talking about, so I thought I’d do an “update” of sorts. First, the Teen is having a wonderful time in Nova Scotia at camp, despite cooler temperatures, rain, and a whole lotta fog. She said they were standing in formation on the compound the other […]

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Mosaic Monday

This is today’s submission for Mosaic Monday at Dear Little Red House. I had so much fun with last week’s that I decided to participate on a regular basis. These were taken last week, around the same time that the fodder for last week’s collage were taken. I was playing with some fun new filters […]

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