I’m going to whine, so be warned. Yesterday I had my 2 month checkup at the Lasik MD clinic where I had PRK laser surgery in February. You all know by now that it hasn’t been going all that well, so I was pretty ticked off walking in there. At the front desk as I […]
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Reinventing Jenn
A while ago I decided that 2010 was going to be MY year. I was tired of having what I needed or wanted being on the back burner pretty much in all cases and in every way. Of course, when you have small kids, that is pretty much how it has to be, right? The […]
Read the rest of this entry »Yes, I do suck.
I work online – both of my businesses mean that I spend vast quantities of time sitting here in this chair, researching, assigning tasks, and wading through scads of email from clients, contractors, and employees. There are two things I do as a stress reliever whilst I’m doing this stuff… and those are blogging (natch) […]
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