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Archive for the 'Life in General' Category

SADS, anyone?

I’m a little melancholy lately, and I think it shows a bit in the way I’ve only been keeping up on my haiku and sometimes a couple other memes. Every blogger/writer goes through blah periods, and this one appears to be mine. I just don’t “feel” the words coming, and writing is a bit of […]

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Guest Post: Foodies, unite!!

Okay, I admit it: I’m a foodie. I know this doesn’t come as a shock to Jenn or DoodleCakes but for those of you who don’t know me, I can be motivated to do almost anything if the right food is involved (and God only knows what I’d do for one of DoodleCakes’ creations…) Although […]

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Mosaic Monday

This weekend we celebrated my Dad’s 65th birthday – A great time was had by all. Please spend some time visiting the wonderful Mosaics at Little Red House’s Mosaic Monday!

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