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Archive for the 'Life in General' Category

I’ve been snowed, and I don’t like it one bit

I’ve prided myself for being an excellent judge of character for a good long time, but I am sad and horrified to learn that just might not be the case. Do you remember Amy? The sad friend of the Teen who was being neglected and mistreated by her divorced parents; neither of whom wanted her? […]

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So, hypothetically…

He whispered, “Sweetheart?” “Hrmnn..?” She moves a finger, and nothing else. For some reason, her eyes refuse to open. Damn dry eyes. “I’m going out to get an oil change and run some errands. Made the appointment for the new windshield for tomorrow too.” “…Mmmrhhhmmmmbye. ” He says nothing, but doesn’t leave. She sighs and […]

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Thinks and thunks

I just read a couple posts from a frustrated friend and fellow blogger that got me thinking about what I’m doing here (less and less lately as it stands) and why. Blogging started out for me, a little over a year ago now, as a way to get my writing energy focused into a specific […]

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