Left the house fairly early today – the Teen and her friend had to be at practice for their Cadet Annual review, and I’d promised my brother I would stop by and sort out his wiring for his high speed in his new house. Stopped at a couple garagesales (yes it is one word if […]
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So I wonder if he’ll remember… Part Two
Hubby just left for work… still no mention of our anniversary. We did discuss going to the states for the day (we’re about an hour or so from the Niagara border) but that isn’t something unusual for us, as we often take a run down to see if we can find anything nifty or different […]
Read the rest of this entry »So I wonder if he’ll remember… Part One
Monday (June 1st) marks our 18th wedding anniversary. I haven’t said a thing to my husband, because you see, I’m running a little experiment. See, a few years ago my darling hubby totally blew off my birthday. He didn’t forget it – he was “too busy to get a gift or schedule any thing. And […]
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