Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Aging
Tomorrow arrives
Taking youth, leaving laugh lines
Melancholy, me.
P.S. Just found out that today is Thom‘s birthday – the day before mine! Errr… my 4th anniversary of the 39th birthday… oh forget it. He tried hard to hide it, but I found him out thanks to Rosidah – Thanks girlfriend! ;) Happy birthday Thom!!
Next week’s theme: Horizons
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Jenn, I hope you’re having a blast on vacation!! Wishing you the best birthday ever tomorrow :) Here’s my haiku for this week:
More wisdom with age?
Yes, but still so much to learn.
Hope to learn much more.
Age, just a number.
So true, again and again.
Just stay young at heart :)
Knarf: come out, come out wherever you are ;) Have a great week, everyone!!
Okay …okay I’m out already..ssheeess. I have to say I just love your haiku. I think ‘young at heart’ is the key regardless of the physical restraints that may be imposed on the individual…
my tip of the hat to a very lovely person…
Very optimistic wish this was my view of aging
You definitely have a positive attitude toward the whole getting old thing… although I wouldn’t mind being old enough to be a “crone” LOL – IT’S actually the almost old that gets me!
Thanks ShaMoo :) But remember I’m only having anniversaries now! No more birthdays!!! ;) Great haiku – which can also be found on Brain Fart of course!
Hi Jenn, have a nice ‘working vacation.’ They are better than none. Agree?
Thank you for taking time for us again this Wednesday even when things are hectic. :)
Hehe thought your spelling was a bit odd this morning, turns out there’s another difference between the continents – aging / ageing.
I’m a bit late today, working from home yesterday, slow internet and broken email so playing catch up today -I’ll get my haiku up later.
There’s nothing wrong with a few laugh lines though!
very nice! And yeah…melancholy me, too!
Cheer up Jenn! We love ya! I didn’t think I would be able to come up with anything for this week, but life is a funny thing! :)
On the bright side, we have grandchildren. Gong to watch the oldest granddaughter dance at the American Ballet Theater this morning.
I’m just being silly this morning. What else can I do when confronted with the fact that, like everyone else, I’m going downhill? :-)
After showing off umpteen layers of dry wall dust last night, my only thought was to get to bed! Anyway here are my thoughts on aging…
Oh Me! And Oh My!
Has my get up and go gone?
Gone with yesteryear?
I say! I think not!
Keep active; keep thoughts alive!
And be young at heart.
That physical pain;
Rubbed with ointment will leave,
– eventually!
Stay well everyone …enjoy the day …for each day is the ‘present’ …a gift to be enjoyed…
So creative!
My plan is fighting kicking and screaming… not working exceptionally well yet.
Great haiku Knarf ;) it can also be found on Brain Fart too, with ShaMoo’s!
i’m late again =( but better late than never, right? enjoy your break, jenn.
I am right with you Jenn in the melancholy, I feel ya!
I almost forgot it was Wednesday
Where did the years go?
I swear it was yesterday
my children were born
If they are older
then I am older as well
oh yikes, the horror!
nicely done,
beautiful theme.
Lovely insight about age, and what a proper theme for Thom’s birthday ;) . Thanks for hosting, Jenn. Have a wonderful week.
Gosh, I just realized that this was a proper theme for your birthday too. Where is my head these days? Wishing you even more joy and blessings as you step into another year, dear Jenn. Have a great day.
Thanks Rosidah :)
Here’s mine for the week.
By her grandchildren
She felt most proud, accomplished.
I am getting old.
I totally forgot that
today is Wednesday!
Darn! I’d tell you I’ll get it right next week, but since I’ll be in Hawaii, don’t count on it!
These took a lot of think this week, my brain is aging too!
When did I become
This tired old grump? I want
The cute young thing back!
Sitting with new friends
Comfy, visiting. Hope for
Zillions more visits.
The older cousins
At our reunion show me
Great ways to grow old!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks! :)