You know… that Blog?

I’m going to LIVE!

Written By: Jenn - Feb• 10•10

Wow, that was dramatic, wasn’t it??

I had about a dozen vials of blood taken on Monday in anticipation of a visit with my doctor today. Foremost on my mind was the extreme levels of cholesterol I was harboring at the last visit, and what that could mean in the long run, given my family history of cardiovascular disease.

Imagine my surprise then, when I went in today expecting to be smacked and medicated, to find that my levels are actually very close to normal now! All except my HDL (good) cholesterol level, which is extremely low. It’s hereditary though, so there may not be too much I can do about that.

Everything else came back sterling – I am one very healthy gal! My doctor was suitably impressed too, and asked what I’d been doing differently. The only thing I could come up with was the group, and how happy I’ve been this past year, singing shoulder to shoulder with the finest people I know. Laughter and happiness makes you healthy – did you know?

I’m relieved. The only thing I have to worry about is the acid reflux thing, which I am taking new meds for (that appear to be working! YAY!).

Oh, and Thom? I also had hormone levels tested… and I’m nowhere near menopausal. So [and even though I think the world of you, I mean this sincerely] shut up, will you??? ;)

P.S. Sensational Haiku Wednesday isn’t over – find today’s here!


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  1. quilly says:

    I am glad to hear you are healthy — and yes, happiness and contentment is one powerful health aid. Keep it up — or down as the case may be. ;)
    .-= quilly´s last blog ..Chocolate For Haiti =-.

  2. Melissa B. says:

    Congrats to you! I know you’re really breathing a sigh of relief. I’m hoping to be back in better shape soon, after all this shoveling!

  3. Thom says:

    Pssst…come close everyone…I have to tell you something in private. Don’t let OBO know what we are talking about here…isn’t it great that she’s all good…but ya think she’s pulling our leg by telling us about the big M? hmmmm Well we will just see, wont we. So just keep it between us and let’s all give her a big pat on the back that she’s fit as a fiddle, her voice will be strong and watch out for her on the other end of the spectrum though…Now, don’t say I said this okay? Ta Ta!!! Our little secret :)
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Guess Whose Back? =-.

  4. Great to hear you are healthy, that must be great to hear! I’m not surprised that feeling happy and content can improve you health, our brain is in charge of our body so keeping it happy sounds like a good plan.

    Thom you are asking for trouble! ;)
    .-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Comfortable Haiku =-.

  5. Great news! Glad you’re healthy AND happy!
    .-= Chanda @ Eco-Cheap Mom´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Comfort Zone =-.

  6. ShaMoo says:

    Thom, you’re looking to get your ass whomped, my friend :)

    Jenn, glad you’re in fine health; and that you’re medicated properly now (just sayin’). Of course, I always knew that singing with us was the best drug ever. Works wonders for me!!