You know… that Blog?

Stressssss… and stalkers

Written By: Jenn - Sep• 18•09

I’ve been very quiet in here lately, and late on a few things that normally I’m very “on top of”. I’ll have to chalk it up to stress – I have a huge contract that I’m trying to complete, which spans the entire country, and finding people for it has proven… problematic.

I am looking for people in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, the Montreal area of Quebec, Ottawa, Windsor, and Toronto in Ontario, and Victoria and Vancouver in BC. If any of you, dear readers, live in these areas and are curious and have a day or two free… please leave me a message with the location you’re near (don’t leave your address or phone # in here though, I’ll contact you for those) and I’ll get in touch with you. I pay well, and it’s extremely interesting work. I have a couple terrific bloggy friends who took care of other areas for me already (or are about to) and I’ve had really good feedback from them.

Oh, and it seems I have a stalker. I know who it is – I’ve turned down her facebook friend requests more than once, and recently banned her entirely from contacting me on facebook – and she seems to spend time on my blog on a daily basis. She’s loosely related to one of my best friends, and seems to enjoy making every single person she comes into contact with as miserable and unhappy as she is. It’s sad. It’s pathetic. It makes my skin crawl.

I’m not concerned, because she’s definitely no threat, but I do find it annoying. I could have her IP range banned at the firewall in 10 seconds flat, but that would affect other people and I don’t want to go that route… just yet. Consider it a warning though. I sure hope you’ve been enjoying yourself, SK, but it wouldn’t make me unhappy if you deleted this particular bookmark. And maybe grow up and get a life, but that might be asking too much of you.

I apologize for the darkness of my post today, but frankly, I’ve reached a bad place right now with stress and petty annoyances, and it’s going to take me a little while to get through it. Bear with me – the sunshine shall return!

Have a wonderful day…


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  1. Annie says:

    The sun will come out tomorrow…..

  2. they are the worst. MINE keep following me around like th plague, myself…ignore her!
    .-= cherie de castro´s last blog ..The Lord’s Commandments Interpreted =-.

  3. Doodle Cakes says:

    .-= Doodle Cakes´s last blog ..John Deere First Birthday Cake =-.

  4. Thom says:

    Tomorrow will be a better day…those damn stalkers…at least you know who it is :) Aloha
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Happy Birthday and Small World Saturday #8: Eating Out =-.

  5. ShaMoo says:

    Hang in there, hon… Stressful times are never easy but that’s what outings with your good friends are for!! :)

  6. The way to get stalkers to stick around is to talk to them in your post, sorry to say. Advice is, don’t give them a forum. Don’t let them know they’ve got an audience who gives a fork. Nasty buggers. But yeah, I definatly understand your sentiments, having been stalked in a former life and I know firsthand how hard my own advice is to stick with.
    .-= phd in yogurtry´s last blog monday with a bit of heaven =-.

  7. Melissa B. says:

    Good luck corraling all those folks you need for work! And, vis-a-vis the Stalker, yet another reason, in my book, to stay away from FB. When you come to think of it, all this cyber-chatter is a tad creepy…so I try not to think about it.

  8. Ebie says:

    Hi Jenn, I exactly know how you feel about this. My stalker signs as Anonymous and leaves uncalled for comments! Simply ignore and its not even worth blogging about it. Good luck and more power!
    .-= Ebie´s last blog ..Sky Watch: The Long and Winding Road =-.

  9. JennyMac says:

    Sorry to hear this Jenn but you certainly don’t have to apologize for being honest (and non sunshiney). Stalker…ugh. I hope this turns around quickly.

    And good luck with the contract!
    .-= JennyMac´s last blog ..Which wine goes with Jury Duty? =-.