You know… that Blog?

Under Pressure!

Written By: Jenn - Jan• 24•11

Gah! On Thursday Wee One and I were hit like a ton of bricks by the flu, and by the weekend for me it had turned into a full-blown, massive sinus infection. My good old OoO has failed me (apparently it just can’t handle the flu) and I spent most of the last 4 days in bed – thanks to my fabulous family for the support – attempting to sleep it off. Took a brief ride yesterday to visit the walk-in clinic for some heavy duty Azithromycin and back to bed I went. Wee One was absolutely fine to go to school today, and I’m feeling a little more human and trying really hard to get better because we’re due in the recording studio this friday! LOUSY timing, Jenn. Lousy.

So for obvious reasons, I have this song pounding running through my head today…



The significance of numbers

Written By: Jenn - Jan• 20•11

I’ve been twirling this post around in my head for a long time now, but haven’t really put it into words because I’m simply unsure where to begin!

Do you have a number or series of numbers that holds significance in your life? For some that might mean “Lucky number 7!” but it seems broader than that, for some reason. More significant.

For ShaMoo, I know her number is 22. It’s a recurring number in her life, and appears in all sorts of odd places. Her birth date, for one, and her music folder number in our big group, for another… and many many other dates and places too (which she’s told me but… I forgot. Sorry ShaMoo) Random? Sure doesn’t seem that way.

For me, it’s a time. 12:34 to be exact. A moment of significance. Not always great significance, mind you! Sometimes it’s 12:34am, and I glance at the bedside clock as I finally sigh away the tension of the day and lay my head on the pillow. Often it’s 12:34pm, and someone who is very meaningful in my life sends me a text, face book message, or email. Sometimes I get a phone call. Or perhaps I get one of those messages that includes something I’ve been waiting for, or news I need to hear. Not always good, but usually not bad. An example of that was an email that J-B send yesterday at 12:34pm, which was confirming a meeting of the minds last night. As it turns out, it was significant, and it was good. It got me thinking about the number again, too. Usually I have a “huh, that’s so weird” moment, and then dismiss it.


I’ve also had occasions where I’ll suddenly think of something I’d forgotten to do, and it’s at exactly 12:34 when it occurs to me. Usually it’s in the nick of time to get it done, too!

So if it is significant, why is it significant?

Is it a programmed or biological alarm clock in my head? Maybe… not sure. Can’t be when I’m receiving these things from extraneous sources though. High level coincidence? I’m sure that plays a part. Is it simply that I notice it because it has happened a few times before, and it only SEEMS significant? Like when you purchase a vehicle you hadn’t really noticed on the road before, and suddenly it seems like they’re everywhere. Probably. I mean, it happens twice a day, right? 12:34, that is. That I see it often at night could simply mean that I’m not getting enough sleep (we already knew that though, didn’t we!).

I’m aware that some will draw religious connotation from that, and that there are biblical references to it, but most of you know where I stand on that, and I’m not going there. In my case that certainly wouldn’t apply anyway!

It’s also a reference to smoking pot, as I’ve come to find out in my research… also something that doesn’t apply to me!

I’m willing to consider it’s a cosmic event though. This is ME we’re talking about here, after all. ;)


Do you have a number that seems to pop up more often than others in your life? What is it, and what sorts of things happen when it appears?

You know what? I like it. I think I’ve also laid claim to it. So maybe I’ll just think of it as my personal number, without over thinking it (well, past this post, anyway).

I’m willing to bet that when you see that time on your clock from now on, you’ll think of me. Go ahead and try not to.

You’re welcome…


Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Written By: Jenn - Jan• 19•11
Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”

Click here for info and background on this weekly event!

The basics:

Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

This week’s theme is: Deception

      Illusion, shadow
      That which is, perhaps is not
      Sight difficulty

      Tepid perception
      Anticipate the changes
      Waking the senses

      Changes are needed
      View current reality
      Step out of the box

Next week’s theme: Transition

Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List

To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):