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Archive for the 'Kids' Category

There’s trouble afoot…

Stealthily, quietly, they creep in. They Sit. They Wait. They Watch.   Then there is carnage. If you have berry trees, you know what I’m talking about. I have some beautiful Serviceberry trees, and every year it’s the same thing. I get a bumper crop happening… And they move in… Yeah, I’m looking at you, […]

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My girls… how I adore them!

I have my office set up so my husband can use his computer in there too – and sometimes the Teen plops herself in his chair and does the Facebook thing. I mean… it’d take effort to go and turn her computer on in her room, you know? Well, maybe she just wants to be […]

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6 Word Saturday

Ok, I’ll play! (No that wasn’t part of it). I found this going on several blogs I found today, so thought I’d participate. “We learned… What?” (*sigh*) “Mommy’s always right…” Confession time: This is something my youngest and I have always done, since she could speak. I am not ashamed to have brainwashed my child! […]

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