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Guest Post: K9 Crazy

Written By: Jenn - Apr• 04•11

Second in my Guest Post Monday series is a good friend of mine, who I met when she and another friend of ours did a home visit before placing Sadie with us – almost exactly 7 years ago today in fact!

Tracy is a passionate dog advocate, and one of the folks we’ve come to refer to as our “Dog People” friends. :) She has 2 Giant Schnauzers and a German Shepherd, and all three are extremely well trained, happy, and healthy dogs.

Tracy is an avid GeoCacher – something I joined years ago and have not yet made the time to get in to! I couldn’t keep up with her anyway ;) Her dogs are trained to aid in recovery of the caches, which is as impressive as it is thrilling to watch!

Please welcome my good friend, Tracy – AKA K9 Crazy!

The cost of responsible dog ownership

Responsible dog ownership involves more than just love.

Food, water and a clean shelter are essential. Vet care can’t be avoided. You must provide mental and physical stimulation in the form of exercise and training, socialization and a good diet. It’s up to you to keep your dog safe and teach it to become a good citizen.

Responsible dog ownership involves money.

In some cases a lot of money. If you can’t afford a dog then it is not responsible for you to get one. You also must remember that in general, bigger dogs cost more than smaller dogs in food and vet care, and two dogs cost twice as much as one.

How much money are you talking?

Let’s look at the first year of one healthy puppy’s life. The numbers provided below are approximate, they could be less or much more depending on your location, the size of dog and how much you are willing to spend.

“Free”-$1,500+ First you have to buy the puppy which is the cost most people are concerned about, yet in reality is not the biggest equation to consider over the lifetime of a dog. Buying from a reputable breeder may save you thousands in vet bills over the dogs life, with animals there are no guarantees.

$30 Leash and Collar

$100+ Crate

$30 Dog bed

$20 Food and water bowls

$10+ Toys, each

$20-$100+ Food per month. Depends on size of dog and diet. Keep in mind that a more expensive but higher quality food can save you vet bills in the future.

$1-5 Training treats, per package

$30+ Basic grooming supplies (brush, nail clippers, shampoo)

$25-$100 Hiring a groomer, depends on breed

$20+ Boarding one dog per day

$15+ City dog license

$90-$300 Training classes per 6-8 week session. This is not optional. One training class MINIMUM is what I recommend, if at all possible it’s better take classes for the entire first year of your dogs life. The time and money spent at this stage will be rewarded in full by a well-trained, obedient and happy pet. The shelters are full of animals who were surrendered due to preventable behavior problems. Don’t let your cute puppy be one of them, that is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

Vet costs:

$45+ Each time you walk through the door for an exam

$20 Vaccinations, puppies usually get 3 sets

$25 Fecal analysis

$35 Heartworm test

$50 Microchip

$115 Blood test

$70 Flea, tick & heartworm prevention for 6 months

$200-$500+ Spay or neuter

After the first year.

So you’ve bought the essentials, the puppy has grown and is settling nicely into your family. Congratulations! The regular costs involved at this stage are for food and vet care, toys, boarding and grooming.

Saving for an emergency.

Emergencies happen. Emergencies are almost always expensive and it is up to YOU to plan for them. Emergencies range from broken bones to long-term health problems like allergies or epilepsy. As your dog ages the likelihood of a health problem cropping up increases. Don’t find yourself in the situation of not being able to provide for your pet because of your financial situation. The unexpected should be expected and saved for. Add it to your budget! Another route some people choose to take is to get pet insurance. If you can’t afford this you should not own a dog!

As an example of what emergencies can happen and how much it can cost I’ve included the Top 10 Claims Paid in April by PetCare Insurance: Keep in mind that your chosen breed may be prone to some of these:

$5,000.00 Neurological Problems
$4,982.56 Anemia, Immune-Mediated
$4,626.65 Tachycardia (Heart Condition)
$4,391.48 Kidney Problems
$3,949.64 Gastric Torsion (Bloat)
$3,661.47 Cruciate Ligaments
$3,512.84 Osteosarcoma (Cancer)
$3,000.00 Uro-genital Problems
$3,000.00 Lymphoma (Cancer)
$3,000.00 Intervertebral Disk Disease

It’s not a pretty picture, is it? So plan for it.

Our best friends may cost us, but what they give in return makes it all worthwhile.

K9 Crazy


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  1. Betty says:

    Wow! That´s really expensive to have a dog in Canada. I think after reading this people will be more cautious and think about it carefully, if they are willing to invest the time and money for a dog. But if they do, they will be rewarded with a happy and healthy dog!

    • Jenn says:

      Betty it’s a lot like having kids – it’s just something you do because you love them, and try not to think too much about what it’s costing you! ;) Too many people get a dog simply because they love the idea of having one, and then when faced with the actual costs of owning one (especially if something bad happens) they can’t cope with the financial reality of it. And yep, we’re paying through the nose up here, too.

    • K9-CRAZY says:

      Some of those costs would not be necessary if you have/had a previous dog (like a crate, collar, etc.)

      Vetting is expensive but can’t be avoided.

      Personally, I always stress training which too many people consider optional due to the shortage of time and money. But when you see up-close how many dogs are dumped at shelters or surrendered into rescue when they become out-of-control monsters, (sometimes resulting in their death) you take it seriously. Teaching your dog to have manners and be confident in public is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

      Investing in training classes with any new dog will give you a friend for life that will bring you joy to have by your side.

  2. Doodle Cakes says:

    AWESOME Post K-9 ;) I hope people considering a dog will pay close attention…and not just “dump” their dog when the going gets tough.. It’s a LIFETIME commitment..not just a passing “fancy” over the summer or holidays..!

  3. Mama Zen says:

    Excellent post!

  4. trisha says:

    I gave up my plans of having a pet dog after shifting to kolkata but I agree with you, no matter how much money we spend on them they return far more than that.

    Dogs are priceless friends, companions, family members….