Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
As of February 3, 2010, Silly Haiku Wednesday became “Sensational Haiku Wednesday”. Please adjust bookmarks and blog posts accordingly!
This week’s theme is: Vision
My submission for this week:
Blurred, devoid of shape
Lost; a world of haze and hue
Suddenly made clear
Next week’s theme: Chrysalis
(written last week!) Please excuse me for not visiting you this one time for SHW (I’ll catch up, I promise)! On Monday I underwent PRK Custom Wavefront laser surgery on my eyes. If all went as expected, I’ll be offline for about a week, recovering. And then, for me, life begins anew… “See” you soon!
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
I think I’ve gone back to ‘Silly’ and not ‘Sensational’. Sorry! But I was having fun with some.
Vision by Knarf
My specs fogged up.
Falling snow dampen the lens.
“Where the hell am I?”
“I see” is to know?
Might not always be so though.
Refocus of thought?
Your Vision impaired?
Did you have too much to drink?
Dang! The wrong glasses.
To see is to know.
To know is be made aware.
And yet I still trip.
The vanishing point,
An illusionary trick.
Then came Picasso
You look fabulous!
A vision of pure splendour!
But then I woke up.
Good luck Jenn! We’ll see you on the flip side.
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday-Vision =-.
Hope you are seeing clearer now!
I had Lasix 6 years ago. So glad to see without my glasses. Unfortunately my vision has changed again so I’m not 20/20 but at least I can function without glasses. Before surgery, I was blind as a bat without.
.-= Chanda @ Eco-Cheap Mom´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Vision (Fluff the Bum) =-.
I hope your vision is sharp and as clear as your anticipation was!
.-= quilly´s last blog ..Dear Continental =-.
PRK was the BEST thing I ever did. Of course, it hurt like hell, but it was so worth it to be able to see the clock in the mornings!
.-= Lee the Hot Flash Queen´s last blog ..I’ve Done It Again =-.
Excellent Haiku! I can’t wait to hear from you about how the surgery went. I’m so excited for you. Know about next weeks’ word …pffft I have to look it up. And now maybe I’ll know what Nessa’s blog means LOL. See ya soon baboon (little joke there) :)
Hope it all went well and you are seeing! Can´t wait to hear. :))
Hope it’s all going well Jenn and you’ve got your feet up today!
.-= Jade @ No Longer25´s last blog ..My Monday Memory – Thinking Day =-.
Sometimes vision is
more about seeing with the heart
than using your eyes
.-= JennyMac´s last blog ..Paying penance…. =-.
Hope you’re feeling better today, Jenn!! We’ve all been thinking of you…. Here’s my “over-sugared” offering for today (big dessert pot-luck at practice last night….yikers):
What is it I see?
Something that’s not really there??
Is it just a dream?
I like it! Well done!
We miss seeing you; soon, we hope!
Here’s a few from the J-B this week:
One of the senses.
Seeing is believing now.
Believe; you are loved!
Hindsight or foresight?
Coming? Going? In neutral?
Vision the future.
I see where I’ve been.
Vision enlightens what’s next.
It’s all clearer now.
Eye surgery works.
“Eye can see clearly now . . .”; Hmmmmmmm . . .
Vision me anew!
‘Til next week, friends.
sounds like a great place to be. Cleared vision after it being so blurred. Great Haiku and thanks for hosting another awesome week of Haikus.
Speaking of vision, I just came from a quick visit with Jenn. She’s on the mend, but is still sore and wiped out. She’s going stir crazy not being able to get on email or the blog but will be back soon! Cheers, everyone :)
I hope all went as you wanted. Can’t wait to hear.
And that’s my word for next week.
WW – Toil and Trouble
At first glance I did not see the MR. Linky. Then I thought I added my name. Anyway, here is my poem
left me destitute
left all alone to bare
left me in tears and pain
left now that my love has wain
.-= Melanie Bishop´s last blog ..Goin’ digital =-.
Thanks Melanie, for the unexpected poem! :) The haiku linky always gets closed on Thursday, but of course there’s always next week! Join us for “Metamorphosis” !