You know… that Blog?

Oh no I DID NOT!

Written By: Jenn - Jul• 16•09

Ok, I’m seriously, seriously bummed out here.

Little one just brought me the nth tiny doll with long hair to put a pony tail on, and I asked her if it was a McDonalds happy meal toy. She didn’t know, so I flipped it over to look at the fine print.

Hrm. Can’t see it all that well. Maybe if I hold it further awaaayyyyyyOHMYGODI’MHOLDINGITLIKEANOLDPERSON!!!

I just did the “I need bifocals” pushaway. I’m going. to have. a heart attack.

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  1. It’s okay girl. Baby Gurl was cuddling with me last night. We were laughing and talking and she asks me in the most serious voice, “Mom, why do you have wrinkles?”

    I’m 33 years old!
    .-= Iva @ Horizontal Yo-Yo´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday – July 15 =-.

  2. Lori says:

    OK now to make you feel young again this is my first blog post go figure work in IT yet this is all so new

    • Jenn says:

      Lori, you’re way younger than me! Being a blog virgin doesn’t make you old ;) Welcome aboard, gal!

  3. ShaMoo says:

    Oh, you poor thing!! Maybe the lighting was just bad?? Yeah, that has to be it :)

  4. Melissa B. says:

    But once you get used to reading specs, they make life so much easier! I resisted for quite a while, and now I wonder why.
    .-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..On My Honor…It’s Fx4 Time, I Swear! =-.