I work online – both of my businesses mean that I spend vast quantities of time sitting here in this chair, researching, assigning tasks, and wading through scads of email from clients, contractors, and employees.
There are two things I do as a stress reliever whilst I’m doing this stuff… and those are blogging (natch) and Facebook.
What I always, ALWAYS forget to do though, is check my blog email. I really don’t like to use my blog email – I really REALLY like getting comments, but I get enough email otherwise, so don’t think about it for blogging purposes. I realize not too many other people have this foible, so getting blog email isn’t an issue… but I have this mental block about it, and only check that account every so often.
SO, all this boils down to the fact that I have apologies to make. For missed deadlines, seemingly-ignored hails, and requests for things like site help, and guest posting.
Mea Culpa, my friends! I would never willingly ignore you!
I’m catching up (it’s been a couple weeks since last I checked… there are hundreds of emails in there) but will get it all done this week… and I’ll write a note to myself to keep checking it with the rest of my addresses. Maybe even tie a string on a digit. Whatever.