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Archive for the 'Life in General' Category

Sneaky pictures

Over the weekend we spent time in the gardens doing a general cleanup, planting our many pots and hanging baskets, tending to the perennials, etc. As usual, my camera was in hand, and I snapped pictures merrily, not thinking anything of it. The good ones went in my facebook photo album, as usual. Apparently there […]

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Living my mother’s life

What to blog about today… hrm. Well, my folks went on a casino trip with friends today (my father went kicking and screaming…[not really, but in his mind I’m sure he was trying to find a way out]) and of course, who gets to look after my 97½ year old, incontinent, immobile, incoherent grandmother? Me. […]

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A few things that I love

I should start off to say that it’s a shorter list than things I loathe, because that’s the sort of person I am. It also doesn’t include my family, because they will always top the things/people/whatever that I love the most. I love thunder storms. The wild edginess of a good storm makes me feel […]

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