Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Steam
My submission for this week:
Lingering glances
A wink. A thought, quickly quelled.
Surface dew… and you
Next week’s theme: Karma
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Okay, Knarf, game on. I’m sure you’ve won again….but at least I was able to churn out more than one!! Proud of me?? Have a great day everyone ? ShaMoo
We kept him out late
His nervous steam was rising
But did he beat me?
These steamy haiku
I’m a bit out of my league
But really enjoy!
Steam rising slowly
Would feel good to let it go
But can that happen?
Thomas the tank train…
Toots and puffs steam around town,
and all through my house.
Right on ShaMoo!
4 of them? I may faint… someone hold me ;) WELL DONE girlfriend!! Well DONE!
ShaMoo: Wow! Four this week. You have outdone yourself. These are good. And, BTW, where is Knarf?? He’s gunna be ticked, eh? J-B
Greetings, Haiku friends! Well, Jenn has chosen a “hot” word for this week, eh? Where DOES she get her inspiration . . . ??? A humble offering from the J-B for Haiku Wednesday, week 45:
My haiku’s were tame!
Accused of being too hot!
Steamy, not “seamy”!
Steam clean; steam iron.
Steam hand-press; steam my inseams.
Lookin’ good, handsome!
Been to a steam bath?
Me neither; strange concept, eh?
Bad visual there!
Blowing off some steam.
Off your chest; cleanse your torment.
Feeling better now?
Love’s aflame in spring.
It’s full steam ahead with you!
Wow! Life can be good!
Hot and bothered now:
Steamy enough for you dear?
I’m worked up again!!
Have a great week, everyone, and see you back here next Wednesday! J-B
Can’t believe you both beat Knarf. Love it!!
Good ones, J-B ;) Life is definitely good! Good and steamy ;)
So they tricked..! They delayed me so much at Bryden’s It’s a wonder I got what I’ve got in Haiku Poems.
The first two deal with nature; the next bunch with steamy love; and the last deal with ShaMoo…
A mist masks the Pond;
Rising like steam over its surface.
Such Visual charm.
Sun baked rain soaked road.
Vapour, like steam, drift skyward.
Distorting images.
Lips fused as one.
Love sends two hearts steaming.
Serene Happiness.
Passions Smouldering;
Senses burst in ecstasy,
Steaming their desires.
Steaming Bodies sway.
Motions slowly escalate,
Melting blissfully.
Such Torrid embrace;
Sizzled throughout the night air,
Steaming the windows.
Fingers pound the keys.
The Keyboard perspiring steam.
Was she fast enough?
Did she come in first?
Or be steaming mad losing?
Remains to be seen.
Oh she is so bad.
I think she had me steaming.
She better have two.
Pick up Groceries.
Down Main Street she steamed so fast.
Now did the store close?
Will she go full steam?
In time to be first once more?
Time will tell for sure
Sorry Knarf, they BOTH beat you!! I’m grinning ear-to-ear!!!
Holy steamy..! Well done, as always.
See you tomorrow ;)
Pthhh…Mine are better… :)
Whatever helps you sleep, Knarf ;)
You have a nice little competition going on here in the comments section. Very entertaining! :)
Am I sensing a pattern to these themes? Perhaps a little karma coming around next week for getting too steamy this week? BRING IT ON!
Mine is scheduled but I am gonna go ahead and link up!
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..Emergency Room Psychic =-.
It’s really quite funny, Jess – we almost had to sit on Knarf tonight, who was ready to bolt for the door (we were at the pub) so he wouldn’t be late and ShaMoo wouldn’t beat him, and he didn’t make it! What’s amazing to me is that not only did ShaMoo win, but J-B was close behind! I love my friends :)
and your friends love you…
I find it so amazing that you have such great kinship amongst all of you…
You are so blessed, Jenn.
I love your Haiku and I love all of theirs, done with love.
Take care of yourself, Jenn.
Have you a great week!
Surface dew… and you I love it. Well done my friend :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Steam =-.
Hi Jenn,
Thanks for the comments etc. if you have another post then I’m more than happy but don’t stress if you don’t. I managed to get my haiku in this week, can’t believe I missed two weeks. I’m keeping Wednesdays free of scheduled posts so I can do a haiku each week.
Great haiku as always and a great topic too. Hope the eyes are going well with the contacts etc.
Have a lovely day,
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..A Googlable 1 Year Blogiversary =-.
Other days, I could have rocked this one in the sensuous way you intended but this week – I went a different way…
Thank you for continuing this; it helps me stay on track :D
.-= stephanie (bad mom)´s last blog ..maelstrom =-.
your haiku sounds so romantic jenn. i love it! :)
.-= Bing (PinkLady)´s last blog ..The Raging Fire Within =-.
Jenn. I wanted to submit this with my others but changed my mind and went with the “Such Torrid Embrace..” I think you’ll get a kick out of it… Anyway I’m submitting it here for your enjoyment… :D
My dog Zack farted.
The air turned a sickly green;
Steaming the windows.
Have a great day
Waaaay too truthful, Knarf ;) Poor Zack, rotting from the inside out. What DO you feed him??
surface dew! wow…very expressive this week! I’m loving all the haikus that are out there!
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday-Steam =-.
I love that last line!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Scratch -N- Sniff =-.
niiiiice !
Hooooo smokin’ Jenn! That is the sexiest haiku EVER. Lucky you to get lingering glances and winks……
My blog is missing!
Outrageous! Someone must pay!
Here’s my credit card.
Sorry I couldn’t play today, Jenn. someone forgot to pay for my domain renewal [insert innocent whistle]. That over sight has been corrected and I am back up and running.
a long glance, and then
hard lips against my pale mouth
which turns air to steam