Silly Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Silly Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: It’s a Haiku CHALLENGE! …challenge..! …challenge..!
My submission for this week:
Where is your haiku?
Is you is, or is you ain’t…
A haiku chicken?
This week’s haiku is a challenge for your readers to join us! I see so many comments on your blogs after you’ve posted your fabulous haikus, and it makes me wonder why these same folks are not doing their own – they seem so into it! So grab one of these, and post it as your Haiku Challenge …along with your challenge haiku of course! (make sure you link it back here!). Maybe your readers will come out of the closet and finally join us.

Ask your friends to tell me in a comment that you referred them. The person who brings in the most new haiku-ers will guest-post on my blog on December 20th :) NEW Haiku-ers are welcome to join in the challenge too!
Next week’s theme: Spirit of Giving (Specifically, what you’re doing to share the joy this season)
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog:
HA! or should I say BOK!
.-= Lee the Hot Flash Queen´s last blog ..Vlog me… =-.
LOL…bawk bawk bawk LOL…Good one :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday – Challenge =-.
Yay you’re back, what was going on with the computer, sometime they have a life of their own! Very appropriate haiku today for your challenge, I hope you get lots of takers.
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..You Capture a Happy Story =-.
Back? Was I offline??? Maybe a server hiccup, I’ll have to look into it.
Addition: Yes we had a mini-DOS attack that briefly took the db server out. No match for SUPER ADMIN! It’s all good now.
Cute… are you listed on the DailyMeme? that is how I find many of the memes I play, if you here is a link so you can add Silly Haiku Wednesday it is like a search engine for memes
.-= Amanda Moore´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wedesday: Challenge =-.
Nope, apparently I’ve been living under a rock! Thanks for letting me know about it – I’ve got us regged now.
Cluck cluck cluck! The Haiku chicken! You’re back. I had people commenting on my blog how they couldn’t get the link to work. Crazy stuff is happening! I’ve been having ‘puter issues myself. Must be sunspots.
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday: Challenge =-.
challenged – at least I adopted a pedagogical position :)
whatever that means… lol
.-= LarryG´s last blog ..What is Haiku? Why should you write one? =-.
Seems like there are a bunch of haiku chickens perusing my blog!
.-= Chanda @ Eco-Cheap Mom´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday – Challenge! =-.
This was my first time participating. Pretty fun stuff! Thanks!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
Welcome aboard!!! But who sent you here? At this rate no one is going to win this Guest Blog Spot. How quiet it is today! Did I pick a day with a void in the space/time continuum??
What an awesome challenge haiku!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Ain’t YouTube Grand? =-.
I ain’t a haiku chicken but I am a very late cluck!
All this moving prep is keeping me either dialing the phone or answering it. And the approach of Christmas brings other obligations. My head is already spinning and I can’t keep up!
Happy December
A month of lights, gifts, and joys
The year ends sweetly
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..12-2-09 Haiku =-.
Yer late! But I’ll take it ;) Got you linked up.
Smokie is a sweetie – it’s ok if he wins sometimes.
See you next week!
p.s. Woman! Please enable Name/URL on your comments!! Sheesh. ;)
Woops! Sorry! I think I have that finally on!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..12-2-09 Haiku =-.
I am BUMMED that the challenge didn’t take off! Is it because people are too stressed out with the holidays coming?
We’ll try again in the new year some time. Will select a winner and post about that shortly.
p.s. you asked me who sent me to your blog for the Haiku day—it was Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom!!!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
p.p.s. I changed things in my comments so I think you’re able to comment now…when you have a chance, will you try it and see if I did it correctly? Thanks for the tips!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
Ok, then! Looks like Chanda is our winner! Watch for her post on Dec 20 :)