I want to learn…
1. To crochet. Moreover, I hope I can find the time to spend doing it! There are so many cool things you can make with crochet that you can’t with knitting… and so many great tutorials out there too! Where to start, where to start…

2. To better manage my days. I’d like to blog more, and waste time less. I’d like to get all of my actual work done, and have time to spend “offline” with the family and in other pursuits more than I do now! Out with the chaos, in with the structure!
3. To eat properly. Well, to eat at all would be a start. Most of the time I forget to eat, and that throws the ol’ (and getting ol’er) bod into starvation mode, which is a) stupid b) really hard on the system and c) makes you gain weight, or at least not let you lose it. Past that though, I’d like to structure myself so that I remember to and find the time to eat regularly, and properly. Sad, aren’t I?
4. Some new recipes that the family will ALL love and appreciate, and that are healthy and good! Any suggestions? The hubby won’t eat: ham, steak, pork chops, or roast beef (unless cooked to death in a crock pot). The kids and I won’t eat tomatoes… unless they’re no longer recognizable as tomatoes. The Teen hates fish. Pasta makes me physically hurt, although I will eat it if I don’t have to go anywhere for the next few hours.
5. How to give a better massage. I give a great massage, but I tend to use my hands more than anything else, and as I get older, that becomes more difficult. My RMT uses his weight and the pressure of his arms and elbows and hands to work me over, and it seems a lot easier on him. We bought a massage table a few weeks ago actually, from Costco. Best. Thing. Ever!!!! I will not go into details on the many uses, but let’s just say we’re both benefiting greatly from having it. (Rooowrrrrrr!) Still, the resulting massages do not leave me in the shape that my RMT does, so I want to learn better technique! I may do some research and even take a class or two. A couples class would be AWESOME… wonder if I can find one!!

6. To let go of the past. Oh sure, I’m a fine one to give advice, but I’ve come to realize that I don’t listen to my own advice, and there are several things I just can’t let go of. It’s not good for me to hang onto old hurts, and revenge of any sort is rarely worth the hassle. I’m sure the few people involved in said hurts don’t give me a second thought anymore, so why am I allowing them to live rent-free in my head all this time? They’ve gotta go! Maybe I should have a purging ceremony!
7. How to make fire with nothing but sticks or stones. Seems like a cool skill to have! (maybe I’ll just buy a flint kit… haha)
8. To be happy with what I have. I have a lot. I’m not as much of a pack rat as I once was, but I still have too much. Maybe I should rephrase that to say “I need to declutter my life of unhealthy things, people, habits, etc., and then be happy with what’s left!” Years ago I found FlyLady.net and I just loved the structure she provided me. I “outgrew” her, but then over time lapsed into some bad habits again, so perhaps I’ll revisit my FlyBaby roots this year. Certainly can’t hurt!
9. To love Christmas again. That seems weird to be saying now that it’s all over, but you have no idea how “blah” this past Christmas was for us. My mother said the same thing – it has lost all the sparkle it used to have for us, and become nothing more than Greedmas. This is not what I want for my family. We need to do something to shake it up this year, but we’re not sure what. What kinds of (non-religious) things do you do with your family to celebrate the winter holidays? I’d love to hear your ideas!
10. To meditate. “Ohhhhhm…” It eludes me, but I know there is inner peace to be had.
11. More about my family history. I don’t have any grandparents left, and I don’t know where any of their papers went. There are bits and pieces here and there, but nothing in the way of a time line, or family tree. I’m considering joining Ancestry.com… but I just don’t want to spend the big bucks it costs to do it. I’m cheap, I guess… how much is a family’s history worth? My friend Sandi joined and shared the subscription with her sister, and they found out all kinds of amazing things about their ancestors. I know we’ve got some amazing characters in our family history – especially on my paternal grandfather’s side. I’d also like to delve into the Hubby’s side – I know next to nothing about them, and he doesn’t seem to care. That annoys the bejeebers out of me.
12. To levitate. Pretty sure it won’t happen, but a girl’s gotta have goals, yo! (Boy, I had no idea coming up with 12 things to learn would be so difficult!)
I wonder how many of these I’ll actually achieve this year? Guess we’ll find out together, yes?