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Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Written By: Jenn - Feb• 27•13
Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”

The basics: Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

Here are the rules:

      Structure: While Haiku may be written by some in other styles, for THIS meme only 5-7-5 is acceptable. At least one of your haiku must be in this format.
      Theme/Prompt: We have a new prompt each week, and your haiku needs to be related to it, if not include the actual word in it. Feel free to leave a word suggestion in a comment!
      Linking: When you post your link, link to the blog post with your haiku, not to the main page of your blog.
      Reciprocate: If you participate and post your link on my website, you must have a link back here on your post. It’s only fair.

    Folks not complying with the above risk having their links removed. Don’t make me be all “Grrrr” and stuff, it makes me grumpy! Thanks for your cooperation!

This week’s theme is: Quench

    Fiery soul lingers
    Flames lick, try to rekindle
    Quenched. Extinguished. Gone

Parched soil, hungering
Black cloud roils in the distance
Promises relief

    Children learn from us
    They watch. They listen. They feel.
    Teach joy. Quench the hate.

Too early to think!
When do words lose all meaning?
Quench. Quench. Quench. Quench. Quench

*** Please read the 4 simple guidelines above before you post your link.

₪ Next week’s theme: Royal

Folks, a quick note about comments: A few of you don’t have Name/URL enabled on your blogs, and I CAN’T comment in that case. Take a moment to enable that, will you? There are other ways to combat spam and still allow people with their own domains to leave their homage to your greatness ;)

Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List (if you’re not listed and should be, please [politely] let me know!)

To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):

You can also choose to use only a text link, or either of these additional images I made for your use! Use This one (dark), or This one (light)!

Chasing tail

Written By: Jenn - Feb• 25•13

Sorry for the vampy title, but it seemed appropriate.

I have a mental image of the Hubby running down the road, half dressed, at 3am this morning, trying to catch the cat. The black cat, who decided to take a stroll when he groggily let Sadie outside for an emergency trip to the potty. Mental image only, because I was blissfully asleep, unaware of the drama unfurling outside my house.

Apparently she led him a merry chase for about a half hour (at least it seemed that long to him I assume, half dressed in the winter temperatures) before allowing him to catch her.


She’s really not enjoying being a house cat, our Boo. I’m going to have to start taking her to my parent’s place for a few hours now and then, once spring arrives.


Greed, and Freecycle

Written By: Jenn - Feb• 24•13

Ever heard of Freecycle? It’s a wonderful world-wide phenomenon where you join groups local to you (unfortunately it’s via Yahoo Groups, which I’d rather avoid, but oh well) and post things that you no longer want, and would like to pass on to people who could use them. People who could give your things a good home. It keeps tons – literally – of items from landfill, and saves people a pile of cash. Even better? The recipient of your choosing comes and picks the items up from your doorstep, or wherever you arrange to have it picked up from; you don’t even have to do some sort of awkward hand-off!

I’m on several group lists in my area, and have gotten rid of so many things! It makes cleaning out a closet, cupboard, attic or storage room a breeze, since you don’t have to load a vehicle and cart the discards anywhere. I really love it. I also like the idea of passing things on to people in need. I feel good about that. Lately though… the things I’ve been seeing requested on these lists is making me really angry. Someone actually had the audacity to post for a big screen TV the other day. I kid you not, it read something close to (I deleted it so can’t refer to it now) this: “if you’re not using it anymore, or are upgrading to the newest 80″ or so, I’d be happy to take your 60″ TV off your hands“.

You have got to be kidding me.

I’ve seen people ask for laptops, cameras, iPods – all things that no one would be handing out for free.

That’s not to say that everyone using Freecycle is greedy. And you don’t have to be “in need” to ask for things, either. But come on, people… use your head. There’s a huge difference between seeking play clothes for your growing kids and asking for big-ticket items for nothing.

Some people attempt to hide the fact that they’re greedy by offering a token item in amongst a big list of “Wants”. That’s what prompted me to post about it, actually. On one of my lists tonight a woman posted no less than 6 WANT items, and 1 offer of a stuffed animal. It just makes me fume to see things like that. It’s so unfair to the other people on the lists who use them with consideration.

Have I posted a want item? Yes! I have – The Teen had a lot of cell phone issues a while back, and it was great to be able to pick up a used phone on Freecycle. I was very clear in my request message about why it was needed, and that I had told my Teen that I wasn’t putting another cent into a phone for her! She certainly didn’t get a high-end phone out of it, but it was definitely appreciated, and got her through the time period before she could get a new one on her plan. Another time I posted for and received a dog fence so I could keep Sadie contained when she was injured and needed to rest. When I was done with it, I offered it up on Freecycle again, and it went to a woman in the area who rescues rabbits.

I’ve also responded to a couple of offers made, and got some great shelving for our cold room, including wine racks.

Freecycle is such a great organization. I just really wish people would stop abusing it.