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Archive for the 'Rants' Category

Dear Spammers

Dear Spammers, Die. Best Regards, Jenn P.S. 6WS visitors – thanks for stopping by! I will return the visit, but can only leave a comment if you have Name/URL enabled on your blog…  

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Got a smoke?

Was buzzing about in town today, getting some errands taken care of, and noticed something disturbing. Seemed everywhere I looked, someone, somewhere, had a cigarette either in hand or hanging out of their mouth. It boggles the mind – well, mine anyway – how people can still be hooked on this filthy habit in this […]

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Dear [annoying thorn in my side]

A few letters to sum up the month I’ve been having so far (and it’s only the middle… yikes). Are you mentioned in them, Reader? Tell me it’s not so! Dear Clod, Can I call you Clod? Clod, when you called my cell phone at 4:24am yesterday and woke me from a much-needed slumber, I […]

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