I have a habit of taking on more than I can reasonably handle. See, I get all of these grand/grandiose ideas, and throw myself into them whole-hog. This is what I thrive on! But… while I work best under pressure, it isn’t too long before I figure out that I’ve over-extended myself, and I don’t […]
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12 Things I want to Learn in 2012
To go along with yesterday’s post about what I learned in 2011, I thought I’d look ahead and make a list of what I’d like to learn this year. Since I’m going without first making that list, I sure hope I can come up with 12 things..! I want to learn… 1. To crochet. Moreover, […]
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2011 wasn’t the greatest year for me, as we have discussed before. It wasn’t horrible for the most part, but I wasn’t unhappy to see it pass into history, either. I was thinking a little bit about the past year, and about the things that happened that changed things for me, for better or for […]
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