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Archive for the 'Guest Post' Category

Guest Post Mondays!

A quick note to let you in on a project I’ve got in the works! For the next few months (at least) I will be having “Guest Post Mondays” here on the ol’ blog. I’m trying to make it an eclectic mix of people (which describes my friends both on and offline to a T) […]

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Guest Posting today

Some time ago my lovely Scottish friend Jade asked me to help her out with a Guest Post while she was in the midst of moving. It’s scheduled for today, so head on over and visit, won’t you? What do you think I wrote about? You probably won’t be all that surprised – it’s a […]

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Guest Post: HHT – Dude, you’re bleeding…

A few weeks ago, Jenn asked me to do this particular guest post as she had spent the day babysitting Little Bit while Frank #2 was having surgery. Just a disclaimer folks… this post is a bit of a downer. I tried to jazz it up, but it hits a little too close to home […]

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