Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Anniversary
Thank you all for being here
You have made my day!How can I explain
My haiku chums give me joy
Especially… you!
One HUNDRED haiku
Many creative voices
Equal one great Meme!Just one bittersweet…
No longer celebrated
Always in my heart.
Thank you, everyone, for being here to celebrate our 100th week of Haiku! We would never have gotten this far without you! Here’s to hundreds of weeks more of Sensational Haiku! –Cheers!
Next week’s theme: Future
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List (if you’re not listed and should be, please let me know!)
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Fun haiku! Happy 100!
Here’s mine:
remembering both the best
and worst in our lives.
Thanks Madeleine :)
Congratulations on your 100 haikus! And good morning from Vienna.
Thanks for finding the time to give us some inspiration every week, here’s to hundreds more!
Great job, Jenn. Thank you for hosting each week!! I look forward to the next 100!!
What a milestone I tell ya. And to be such a little part of it gives me great pleasure as well. Mahalo for always being there week in and week out with this. It’s one of the joys of my week I tell ya. Here’s to the next 100 weeks :) Keep up the good work.
Thanks for hosting every single week and for encouraging me to participate :)
You have inspired me so much as I come back to writing and to Haiku in particular that I have started a Haiku Blog. I had surgery Wednesday and new that I could not write then so I created 3 Haiku … obviously not knowing of the theme. I hope they will be acceptable.
Thank you so much for this place, Liz
I can’t leave a comment on your blog because you don’t have name/url enabled. Yours are fabulous! Thanks for joining us!
Yes there is just something so… centering about haiku. There’s nothing overdone about it – no excess. I absolutely adore it! I love writing it also – I think I have even come to think in a 5-7-5 pattern.
Thank you Jenn. I am not sure what is wrong technologically speaking. I now attempt to write one a day. Hopefully they are now accessible.
Surprise! I´m here too. :)
Love your poem. So bittersweet.
I sort of cheated this week, but I did want to be part of the anniversary celebration. May you celebrate hundreds more!
it has been a crazy week here for me but i just couldn’t let this pass… i am proudly hooked on haiku because of you, jenn. congratulations on your 100th week of haiku-ing!!!
happen to have a moment, have fun.
Glad to see 100th prompt.
Happy Anniversary and thanks for inviting me to the party! :O)
happy anniversary. :)
in case mr linky repeats himself, my url is:
Interesting and for me very related link.. I must thank Jingle for getting me here.. I have posted mine here and would love to read more of the friends here who have posted…
? ??? ?????
Om Namah Shivaya
At Twitter @VerseEveryDay
Hi Shashi, Thanks for joining us! I couldn’t leave a comment on your website either, because you do not have name/url enabled. Glad you could join us!
congrats on the 100 weeks – amazing accomplishment…glad to be a part (I should have my 3x quota met – if you want you can link to my haiku page @ http://dthaase-lines.blogspot.com/p/haiku.html) Thanks
Many congratulations and best wishes !! And yes , here’s a toast to 1000 more such wonderful weeks :D
You are marvelous for hosting this for us :) Thank you, and happy happy milestone!
For one hundred weeks?!
Congratulations are due
Haiku hits the spot!
This is awesome; thanks for your perseverance and sense of fun!
Hi Gloria! So cool that you found us on a day we’re celebrating such a great milestone. I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but you don’t have name/url enabled, so I can’t. Hope you join us again!
Thanks for participating, everyone! Our group gives me so much joy. It’s not a chore to maintain this at all – it’s a labour of love.
I’m going to leave Mr. Linky open until Sunday for any latecomers who wish to join in with us!
Happy Anniversary!
T?n? koe, my Jenn,
Kia r? pai t?nei m?u
i t? Huritau
(Hello, my Jenn, have a wonderful day on your anniversary in Te Reo Maori (and in Haiku!))
I did no haiku
but ages ago in school
now I do them here!
LOL gotta love macrons. Here again without them:
Tena koe, my Jenn
Kia ra pai tenei mou
i to Huritau!
Congrats on the 100th week of haiku! Your meme is a pleasant inspiration. I love the themes that most of the time seem to fit perfectly with my moods and situations. Thank you for giving me a time to muse and empathize, Jenn.