You know… that Blog?

6 Word Saturday

Written By: Jenn - Aug• 08•09

Life without friends doesn’t bear considering!

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  1. monica says:

    Amen to that. Friends are a good thing!! Stopping by from SWS! Have a great Saturday!
    .-= monica´s last blog ..6 Word Saturday =-.

  2. Megan says:

    Agreed!! Happy weekend!
    .-= Megan´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  3. Moxie says:

    Very lovely 6WS. I agree with it 100%.

    Thank you for commenting on my blog! And I will have to stop by on Wednesday and partake in your Meme. I love Memes.

    See you then!
    .-= Moxie´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  4. GREAT 6 words!

    You know, our summer here in Michigan has been pretty mild too…but I’m really sad about summer ending and me going back to work and leaving my kiddos behind :-(
    .-= Barbara Manatee´s last blog ..6 Word Saturday =-.

  5. Caroline says:

    Friends are great!!! Thanx 4 stopping by my blog ! Have a good weekend.

  6. Very true!

    And you know I meant “who cares who goes into Canada” in a loving way doncha? :)
    .-= slacker-chick´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday: Beginnings =-.

  7. Amy says:

    Agreed!! And I love your blog title!

  8. If you have no friends,
    then you aren’t really living—
    go, make one today!
    .-= Magical Mystical Teacher´s last blog ..Six-Word Saturday: C’est la vie! =-.

  9. Doodle Cakes says:

    Happy I am with my children


  10. Susan says:

    Here, here! I couldn’t agree more!
    I love ‘Six Word Saturday’ espcially reading what others say!

    Hugssss, Susan

  11. Jewel says:

    Amen to that! Sure beats cat pee!
    .-= Jewel´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  12. my six words are up, jenn! terribly sorry, got caught up in a snag, hahah! my words suit my situation well! thank you, and please teach me how to link mr. linky to my blogsite!! hugs!
    .-= cherie de castro´s last blog ..Six-Word Saturday =-.

  13. angie says:

    I agree whole heartly with you

  14. Becca says:

    So true…I have been feeling the need to have friends lately :)

  15. Tina says:

    Friends are definitely a key to a great life!
    .-= Tina´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday – Thank God! =-.

  16. Audrey says:

    I have the most amazing friends, so I totally understand.
    .-= Audrey´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  17. Ms Cupcake says:

    Come back, come back! LOL. Here’s my six words. Late but great. LOL.

  18. Drahdrah says:

    Yup, very true !
    .-= Drahdrah´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  19. carma says:

    Good friends are truly hard to find especially now that everyone is so consumed with work. Sounds like you’ve got some great buddies!
    .-= carma´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  20. Call Me Cate says:

    I like that. A lot. We had a great dinner with friends last night and it was so nice to just relax and chat. Thanks for playing!
    .-= Call Me Cate´s last blog ..What about Sunday? =-.

  21. Nikke says:

    I agree!
    My friends rock.

    Stopping by from Cate’s blog =]
    .-= Nikke´s last blog ..Tag, You’re It! =-.

  22. Frances says:

    Great six word saturday! And yes narrowboat is one word! Thanks for visiting my site hope to see you again sometime.
    .-= Frances´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.