Silly Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Silly Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Cupcakes
I have 2 friends (one IRL [Doodle], one Bloggy [Saucy]) who are awesome cupcakers – this is an homage to them!
My silly submission for this week:
Bundles of iced joy
To my hips you go direct
My eyes roll with glee!
Next week’s theme: Favorite Scent(s)
Note: Last week we had our highest participation ever! Yay! Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting hooked on haiku! Keep it going to make it to the “Awesome Haiku-er List“
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Loopy and I just rolled in from Calgary… we drove all day, it’s almost midnight… but you’ve lured me in under the guise of cupcaking and poetry and the idyllic 5-7-5 rapture.
I will dream up something whilst I snooze and have it up by noon, I promise!
.-= Saucy´s last blog ..big city cupcakes vs. original cupcakes =-.
Cupcakes are amazing! They are like little mini works of art, sometimes it seems a shame to eat them but they are also quite yummy, that’s my favourite kind of art!
I really need to make some more of these, here’s my submission for this week…
Cupcake, oh Cupcake
So beautiful and tasty
Worth the calories!
Yummilicious … your
cupcakes make my mouth water.
Anticipation ;–)
I shared my ‘cupcake Haiku’ at Small Reflections in my Wonderfully Whimsical Watery Wednesday post ;–)
Hugs and blessings,
.-= storyteller at Small Reflections´s last blog ..Wonderfully Whimsical Watery Wednesday … =-.
I did it – with a picture for Wordless Wednesday, too! Though I suppose I’ve negated the wordless part with my haiku…
.-= stephanie (bad mom)´s last blog ..this post brought to you by ___________ =-.
Just posted my first silly haikus — gosh! This is fun!
.-= Liz in Virginia´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
Whew! I almost didn’t make it. I wanted to go in today and help my teacher set up our classroom (school starts on Monday!) Of course, I *know* that since you have started giving us ample warning for the next week’s theme, Jenn, that I *could* schedule my Silly Haiku Wednesday posts. But that would be *too easy*, wouldn’t it?
(Actually, I’m going to go ahead and schedule a week’s worth of posts since I’ll undoubtedly be busy with school and work)
.-= Iva @ HorizontalYoYo´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday – Cupcakes! =-.
and my Wednesday Haiku on Monday is here
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..GameStop’s Family Night In =-.
Cupcake that I crave
Oh sweet delight I must have
Let me bake some now!
How’s that? :) Just wait until next week Jenn… More little bundles of joy coming your way ;)
Give me chocolate
in any sweet kind of style
Icing? Whatever!
.-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..Aloha, OBX! =-.
I will try next week if I like the topic lol
The next topic is “Favourite Scent(s)”… conjures up so many wonderful memories, don’t you think? ;)