Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Debonnaire
(alt spellings: debonair, debonaire)
Combustible youth
Wild oats sown, life lived with joy
Older, debonnaireOh so debonnaire
Style, grace, care-free, cheerful, suave
An “everyone’s” man
Difficult today
Find someone with those features
Too many stressesHaircut, you long hair!
Clean shaven, dressed to the nines
Hippy glint remains
Folks, a quick note about comments: A few of you don’t have Name/URL enabled on your blogs, and I CAN’T comment in that case. Take a moment to enable that, will you? There are other ways to combat spam and still allow people with their own domains to leave their homage to your greatness ;)
Next week’s theme: Scare… And the theme ends here! ;)
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List (if you’re not listed and should be, please [politely] let me know!)
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Jenn…Loved your Haikus, and thanks for hosting!
Your Mr. Linky is still filled with last weeks players.
I did play!!
Love these Haiku’s. I’m not getting the theme but of course I only saw last weeks and am too lazy to back and look…fill me in woman LOL Hippie’s don’t do much for me LOL. Mine will be up shortly
I’m trying to play for the first time but I think you’ve a problem with Mr Linky. I’ll post here.
Welcome aboard, Anthony!
Hi Anthony, welcome to this meme. I just wanted to let you know that yesterday I tried to comment several times on your blog, but “The server closed the connection w/o sending any data”. The problem seems to be on my side, since everyone else can comment. I tried again this morning, but it said that the connection was reset. I’m really sorry about that. I enjoyed reading the great play of words in your haiku.
My heart just skipped 45 or 46 beats when I saw the Linky list. How, at this early hour of the morning, did so many people already link up? And then I saw that the list was OLD. Whew! I’ll come back in a couple of hours and see if there’s a new Linky for me to attach my debonair (U.S. spelling) self to!
I love these – am all for the ‘hippy glint’! Will keep checking back re linky, but mine’s up anyway :-) Have a great day.
I woke up 2 minutes ago and immediately went “OH NO! I forgot to change the date!!” I need a better method of posting :P
Fixed now, and URLs added for those who already posted. Least I could do.
no school like the old school!
Love that last haiku. Once a hippy, always a hippy!
The hippie glint should always remain. Well done.
The handsome debonnaire is a unique find these days!
Thanks for hosting, Jenn!
Love your set!!
wow – slow week… seriously Maurice Chevalier – Gigi – what could be more debonnaire??
where oh where is my
beautiful debonnaire man?
on my blog, of course
Jenn, I didn’t make it. I am going to take a vacation until after the new year. My job is crazy now, too much going on. I will lurk and still visit and comment though.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love the reflections in your haikus. I learnt a lot today, including a new word for this haiku theme. Have a wonderful week, Jenn.
LOL!! It stressed me out Jenn to find that “everyone’s” man :) You made me smile with that wild oats sowing smooth operator, :) He should come with that warning tag ” Girls Beware” :D
Hello Jenn
I did not realise that Linky expired two days ago.
If it is not too late, here is my entry –
Thank you!
Hello Sensational haiku wednesday,
I have published a new haiku on the prompt ‘scare’ for this week, but there is no linky widget. I have placed your sensational haiku wednesday logo on my website:http://chevrefeuilleshaikublog.blogspot.com/
That’s because this is last week’s :) I’ll post for you!
Thank you, it was a pleasure to be in this challenge.