Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Freestyle
What you want and need
At odds with reality
Rock and a hard placeBelieve in yourself
Find the courage to stand up
Work for what is rightSpecial, sweet heart space
Find a true home… surprising?
Know that you belong
Folks, a quick note about comments: I do visit everyone, but a few of you don’t have Name/URL enabled on your blogs, and I CAN’T comment in that case (and prefer not to have to email). Take a moment to enable that, will you? There are other ways to combat spam and still allow people with their own domains to leave their homage to your greatness ;)
Next week’s theme: Elation
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Here’s today’s political haiku:
Freedom from taxes
demanded by those who crave
what taxes give them.
More political haiku here
It’s very true… but we are taxed to the absolute LIMIT here in Canada. Enough already.
I love ‘Special sweet heart place’ – these are great, Jenn. What a beautiful new blog! Your portrait images are lovely.
Aww thanks X3 Margo :D
The third was very heart warming!! Nice set of three!!
Thanks Nanka :D
I’m still surprised everytime I come to your blog that it’s different, I got so used to the old one. But often change can be good, I like the photos at the top and the different versions.
Great haikus of course, I like the occasional freestyle one it’s interesting to see what people thing of – can’t believe I thought of laundry, maybe it’s a sign I need to do some!
I really like this layout. I love your haiku, as always thought provoking :O)
Thanks! Believe it or not I almost forgot all about it and wrote these at 5 minutes to midnight/deadline last night! Phew…!
mine is added. :)
it was an interesting theme- loved writing it because freestyle is my style of poem (almost always).
all the best!
I need to throw “freestyle” in every so often so people can use the ones bouncing around in their heads that don’t match the week’s theme ;)
Meant to say, recently your blog is not refreshing in Google Reader for me, I have to manually refresh it to get yor recent posts – not sure if it’s my reader or you blog though…
Also your feed has changed to partial feed rather than full feed – was that intentional?
Anyway, have a lovely afternoon,
Hiya, thanks for letting me know about the feed (explains the lack of visitors the last couple posts!!) the new look broke it but I went in and fiddled with the code and I think it’s fixed. Can you see if my last 2 show up for you now? Thanks!!
I just love reading your haikus :)
hope i become regular soon.. I always seem to miss one week after two attempts :|
Sometimes it takes time to establish a new habit :) I hope you become a regular too! And bring your friends!!
on #1 I am so with you! Love the new look really cool Jenn!
Thanks Mandy! I’m liking it too, although I still need to tweak a few things. It also broke the RSS feed but I think I have that fixed now…
Are the things we want and need always at odds with reality? Often it certainly seems that way! (*sigh*)
Hi Jenn
It always seems to be so late in the day when I finally get mine posted, but I do so enjoy writing them. I’m hooked!
I have started submitting them for publication too.
I decided to write one on the topic of freestyle for fun!
Loved yours – especially #2
I meant to say I love the new look!
Ok, I survived Freestyle!! ANd i do believe it is my single longest poem ever. ( I do occasionally do 2 or three separate poesm in different colors)
Will be back later to read everyone elses’s!
OH, I can so relate to the first one :)
Becky!! You almost made me cry. I had this big long comment written out on your blog, and then remembered that you don’t have Name/URL enabled!
Here’s what I wrote:
“I laughed at your weird list, and agree that you are, indeed, a weird one. But I find most creative people are weird to some degree! Too funny about the textures thing!! Pepsi makes me ill to even consider… and I much prefer whole chips, and can’t stand the tiny broken pieces! So I guess it’d work out fine then, if we were to share a bag. I get the whole ones, and you get the bits!
I think your haiku is (or should be) a motto. Nicely done!”
I hope I am not too late.. I love haiku!
Love Haiku day
already posted blessings
post today, next week
I’ll join in the fun.