Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Challenge!
Been a great first year!
To superlative haiku;
Raise a glass, friends… Cheers!
It’s Challenge Day, and our first Haiku-versary!
The Challenge for our Haiku-versary is to bring in the most new Haiku-ers (“new” meaning never participated here before, and ideally people who will join us and stick around!). Please have your new Haiku-er identify themselves as coming from you in the comments, and use the proper graphic and link (below) on their blog. The winner* of our challenge will get their choice of a $25 gift card to Starbucks, Tim Hortons, or iTunes, and be announced with next week’s haiku!
Good luck, Haiku-ers!
* standard legal mumbo-jumbo… void where prohibited by law (we’ll figure something else out in this event). To be eligible for this challenge, referred new haiku-ers must have a “real” blog, in existence for at least 6 weeks prior to this challenge, be new to this meme, yadda yadda yadda. Common sense stuff. Ask me if you’re not sure :) This haiku Challenge ends at 11:59pm EDT (Toronto/New York/my time) June 23, 2010.
Next week’s theme: Travel
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
I hated to be first but got to get some sleep so I can pack up my suitcase in the morning after my dental appointment.
Your post word was a challenge for me. Especially a haiku. So I copped out with a two-verse(??) senry?. But thank you, Jenn. I accepted your challenge in a round about way. :)
Senry?, don’t know how the “?” sneaked in.
Senryu, now I know. WordPress doesn’t like the “-” (long vowel sound) over the letter.
Happy Haiku-versary! Looking forward to even more joyful years. Thanks for hosting this wonderful meme. Have a wonderful day.
i want to wish you a very happy Haiku-versary. What a year it has been for you I’m sure with this. I’m glad that I found you. Not only is SHW one of my favorites but getting to know you more has been a great pleasure as well. :) Good luck to all with the contest. Brilliant on your part my friend :) I’ll be anxious to see who wins next week.
Happy Haiku-versary – love the new badge too! I’m not sure how many people will join in from my place this week I’ll just have to wait and see.
Thanks for hosting this every week too, it’s always fun, sometimes silly and sometimes thought provoking.
Have a lovely day,
Yea! It’s party time! I sent out invitations and hope many will RSVP and attend the festivities!
Oh, and I like the new logo! Looking mighty fine!
Sorry! I woke up this morning thinking (or dreaming) of the one I lost. I hope this Haiku is not too dark.
The challenge; the dare?
no my love, for not with thou.
My heart is elsewhere.
Placid and forlorn,
My soul has deferred once more.
With it went the heart.
By the will of God
a forlorn life must go on,
Sadly though it be.
But never to fret,
A spirit resides within.
Gently Smouldering.
Awaits the challenge
Of the mysteries of life,
Beset upon it.
There lies the challenge.
Though the heart may be elsewhere,
Is to continue.
Darling Knarf, never apologize. She was a lucky lady to have you so much in love with her. Wish we could have known her! We (ShaMoo, J-B and I) love you, and are privileged to be a big part of your life. *hugs*
Thank you for the lovely comment Jenn but now
I’m wondering what has become of the other two?
Knarf: This is a beautiful piece; thank you so much for crafting and sharing it with us all!
Awwww, big hugs, Knarf :) These are lovely…. We all know where your heart is :)
I don’t know what’s up with Mr Linky –
Maybe my “cookies” have crumbled – lol
Love the Haiku Jenn!
It’s always a challenge :)
I’ll get you linked up Larry, not to worry!
I’m back!!! Toss me an email please, I needs to ask you a question!!
Feeling a little less than enormously creative today, so am somewhat challenged to submit works of quality . . . . Here’s the best that I can do for today:
Challenge before us?
We’ll find cures for all of it.
It’ll be worth it!
Are you up for it?
Yes: challenge me; challenge us.
Stronger together!
Away from the Haiku-writing desk now for 5 weeks, but see you again in August! Cheers, J-B
Well done, as always, J-B!
5 weeks!!!!! :( Going…into…withdrawal… *gasp*
Cheers! Congrats on the Haiku-versary! I’ve been on a hiatus lately, but I had to stop by to say hi!
That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.
Cheers sweetie, Happy Anniversary!!
Hmmm, it seems I’ve fallen off of the “first” wagon again….sorry Jenn!! Here we go for this week:
I love a challenge….
Haiku kicks my butt each week
Getting easier!!
Will it always be
An up and down road for us?
It’s worth it to try….
Have a fantastic week, all!!
Nice one ShaMoo! I was beginning to worry… Roads are seldom level and may have the odd pot hole…But with a good set of tires (foundation) the journey will be awesome… keep the faith kid. We love you… :)
I think you kick haiku’s butt, my friend! Don’t sell yourself short. Glad you think it’s worth it to try. Will you write 5 or 6 more each week to compensate for J-B’s absence over the next 5 weeks? Great, thanks! ;)
I sent him the top secret topic list, but he conveniently ignored it… ;)
Sorry I am late Jenn! At least I made it this week. I am running as fast as I can in my little squirrel cage!
Quilly sent me Jenn…
I would love to count you towards Quilly’s referrals, but you’re not new to our haiku group! Sorry… :(
Happy Haiku – versary!
This weeks theme was a “challenge” for me…
Children all moved out / Only parents live here now / Reinventing lives. (With thanks to Amanda at http://moorebloglife.wordpress.com for the invitation!)
Hi Cathy!
Welcome! Amanda mentioned you might stop by :) Also said you might be blogging soon – be sure to stop back when you’re set up and I’ll come visit!
jenn i am soooooo late! i didn’t get the chance to post yesterday because i was out of the house until late evening (my post-birthday celebration). i wanted to edit the poem first before posting. now i didn’t make it to mr. linky. :'(
anyway, better late than never, right?
happy first haiku-versary!!! {{{hugsss}}}
Good morning!
I’ll add you to Mr. Linky ;)
thanks for the add, jenn =)