Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
As of February 3, 2010, Silly Haiku Wednesday has become “Sensational Haiku Wednesday”. Please adjust bookmarks and blog posts accordingly!
This week’s theme is: Reality
My submission for this week:
This life’s direction
In a diff’rent time would change
Move on, seize the day.
Next week’s theme: Comfort Zone
Thanks for the input, fellow haiku-ers! More than one person seemed to like “sensational” as a replacement word, so that is what I’ve chosen to go with. Of course you all know that I think you’re sensational regardless! Onward and upward! (New challenge graphics coming soon!)
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Carpe diem? All I get to seize are dirty dishes!
.-= quilly´s last blog ..Do You Haiku? I do. =-.
I like the new name and your haiku, too! I’m so excited to see so many more haiku’ers going the fun!
.-= Chanda @ Eco-Cheap Mom´s last blog ..EcoSmart Organic Pesticide Products – A green giveaway! =-.
I Almost missed out! Anyway here are mine…
Come on Get real.
Tofu turkey is tofu.
A fake fowl, how foul!
What Reality.
Might be just smoke and mirrors.
But does it matter?
Reality checked?
Dreamers dream of things to do.
Often stop the quest.
How real is that?
Pinch me, I don’t believe it.
Ouch! That damn well hurt!
Sorry I pinched you, Knarf… ;)
Great ones!
Someone is commenting on my life here… First of all, vegetarian chili with tofu is actually delicious. Secondly, if I didn’t dream all day then I would have no accomplishments to speak of.
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Happy Groundhog’s Day! =-.
I have to agree with Knarf on this one Lori… tofu… urgh!
He’s a dreamer too – you wouldn’t believe the stuff he comes up with! Some of it entirely inappropriate for this blog, too! ;)
Glad you found a name you liked, it’s not that different either. Ironically my haiku is probably one of the silliest I’ve ever done!
Great haiku, move on and seize the day indeed! That’s similar to my thoughts last week, although more eloquently put! I hope you are seizing the day today!
PS Comment Luv is picking older posts of mine – I wonder how I managed to break it!?
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..What’s Your Scent? =-.
I like your new name. I changed my heading to reflect that. I think I took this week’s theme way too serious, however. I enjoyed yours and Knarf’s above.
.-= Polly (aka 5th Sister)´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday: Reality =-.
Knarf gets the prize, again, for his eloquence. And his abundance!
Here is this humble scribe’s offering for this week:
Real as it can get?
What you see is what you get?
Actually, yes!
You can share the prize, J-B – just makes me happy to see your words here :) As always, you’ve done a great job!! Thanks…
It gets as philosophical as I want to. I dig it!
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Happy Groundhog’s Day! =-.
Maybe not silly, but I can’t resist being a smart ass.
I might also have set a new record for fewest words in a Haiku.
Four and five syllable words ROCK!
And to Knarf, I’ll say, yes, it matters a lot.
.-= jazzbumpa´s last blog ..Haiku Wednesday =-.
I’d be happier to seize it if it were more green and less white! You’re getting deep now! I’m deep too… but not in thoughts!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Snow Fun! =-.
OK I give in and am finally going to try one this is my reality hehe
Fluid everywhere
Leaking oozing non stopping
Driving me crazy
Pretty sure this is about your car… ;) Thanks for joining us, L!
Very cool!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Sky In Bloom =-.
I like the name change and I like that you post next week’s theme.
Your haiku makes me want to get up and go.
Sensational Haiku Wednesday
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Tuesday Teaser – Break No Bones =-.
Time? Change? as in time machine? Or as in just moved to a new location? Ahh whatever, just seize it anyway, right?
Maybe had things been done differently… maybe if I were born a few years earlier… could mean lots of things :)
Love the new name. Great choice. Thanks for linking me and your haiku is the bomb :) This is a real go getter haiku :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Guess Whose Back? =-.
Very inspirational, in fact, it’s SENSATIONAL!
Your elision makes me think of “Diff’rent Strokes” though not for long because it was before my time and I know nothing about it other than the title.
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Happy Groundhog’s Day! =-.
Okay, I’m throwing my hat in….you guys all guilted me into it last night :)
Jenn thinks I’m silly
But “The Bachelor” I love
Reality trash!!!
Mwahaha….thought you’d like that; I know how much you LOOOOOVE reality tv :)
Silly wasn’t the word I used, ShaMoo ;) Awesome, thanks for joining us FINALLY!!!!