Silly Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Silly Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Changes
My submission for this week:
Changes are coming
Because we’re not that silly
But what should it be?
Next week’s theme: Reality
Folks, we had our best turn out last week, and broke a record for haiku submissions! You all rock my world!!
The explanation for today’s haiku is simple. When I started Silly Haiku Wednesdays 31 weeks ago, I was flying by the seat of my pants. I do that – it’s how I roll. Consequently, regretfully, I didn’t put the amount of thought into the name as I probably should have. We’re not all that “Silly” most days. The amount of time and effort put in by all of you certainly suggests otherwise! We have come to take our weekly offerings very seriously, which I find immensely gratifying.
I’ve also heard from a lot of people over these months who object to having silly in the title, and it has definitely held a few people back from participating. Haiku isn’t silly. Senryu certainly can be, but really? It was a poor choice of wording on my part.
So let’s just fix this here and now! It’s time. Give me your ideas for what we can change the name of our Haiku meme to. Yes, it’s my meme, but those of you who participate faithfully week after week have a say too, as far as I’m concerned. Should we simply drop the “Silly” and make it “Haiku Wednesday”? Should we add a word to keep it going as SHW? Perhaps “Senryu/Haiku Wednesday”? How about “Sensational Haiku Wednesday”?
Lets talk about it. What do you think? Leave me a comment; tell me how you feel.
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
I think I’m getting too profound but what the heck I’m still having fun…
“Don’t do that!” they yelled.
“Don’t jiggle your pocket change!”
“Why? It’s my money?”
Change? For the better?
May be so or May be no.
I’d still like to try.
Caterpillars change.
Tadpoles turn to frogs and toads.
We just get older.
Leaves change in autumn.
Fall, and later snow covered,
become new fodder.
Nice one Knarf, I think the last one if my favourite, keep up the great Haiku’s.
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..A Braw Supper =-.
You’re not too profound Frankie! These are great :D
I should explain that *I* am the one who has issues with men jingling change in their pocket. Frank and John both do it and it drives me around the BEND!
That was wonderful!! Oh my goodness !
.-= Jillien´s last blog ..Haiku! You know it! =-.
I love this meme, and thank you for your hard work.
My creative input is weak today, but I like the simplicity of Haiku Wednesday. I’m also partial to anything with ‘licious’ added to the end…
.-= stephanie (bad mom)´s last blog ..hormoaning =-.
Hehe, Haiku-licious Wednesday – love it!
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..A Braw Supper =-.
Steph-licious haikus are always more than welcome… but I’d get hives if I used that name in the meme!! ;)
Hi Jenn,
Great Haiku, I was wondering what it was all about then I read the rest of your post. I think the title is fine personally, it shows that we don’t take ourselves too seriously and we can do something silly if we like.
But it’s your meme and if you want to change it here are some thoughts: Haiku Wednesday on it’s own isn’t very inspirational, I think you need something else like Sensational Haiku Wednesday or Super Haiku Wednesday. You need to convey the message that it’s a fun meme – which it is. Or Jenn’s Haiku Wedesday Haiku Wednesday @ Jenn’s.
I’m sure everyone will have lots of different opinions, I don’t really mind as long as you don’t stop!
PS You comment luv thing is not picking up todays post, I’v been messing with my feeds, hope I’ve not broken something!
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..A Braw Supper =-.
“Sensational Haiku/Senryu Wednesday” would get my vote—and my participation! :-)
.-= Magical Mystical Teacher´s last blog ..Watery Wednesday: Wishing Pool =-.
Whatever you end up calling it I’m here for the long haul!
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Tuesday Tidbits-Janary 26, 2010 =-.
I’m with Polly, no matter what you call it I’m here to stay! I look forward to my weekly haiku fix! Super or Sensational Haiku Wednesday sounds good to me.
.-= Chanda @ Eco-Cheap Mom´s last blog ..Bible in 90 Days – Update =-.
Whatever you WANT it to be! :)
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Dancing with My Stars =-.
Awww you guys are great :)
I’m leaning towards “Sensational” Haiku Wednesday, but lets see what everyone else comes up with today.
What a great way to start my day!
OoooOo noow i get the poem…. I was wondering.
There is power in a name. One can strive to fulfill the promise his or her or its name possesses. I’m not creative enough to start a meme and therefore, not creative enough to name one.
g’luck :)
.-= Jillien´s last blog ..Haiku! You know it! =-.
I write often haiku on my blog anyway. Makes no difference what you call it. I can do silly. Count me in until I get senile and forget
.-= jazzbumpa´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday – Change =-.
Very clever my friend on your haiku. Well done. What ever you decide will be fine with me. I like it as is, but I know where your coming from on this :) Have a great Wednesday :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Are You Gloves or Mittens?, a Birthday and For The Person Who Has Everything =-.
changes can come quick
make lemonade from lemons
when its possible
.-= JennyMac´s last blog ..Why my friends from NYC won’t come to Georgia… =-.
I’ve been having fun – so I’ll play no matter the name!
.-= RiA´s last blog ..Haiku =-.
Gettin’ this week’s Haiku in under the wire. Had something else in mind (or was that “in my pocket”?), but Knarf got there first so I have changed my thinking!
Life on a planned path.
Then, unexpected events.
Gotta love what’s new!
Very appropriate, John :) I’m glad our changes included you, and that you’re as happy with them as we are!
Currently the changes in my life have left me little time to do anything but run from pillar to post — and this head cold I’m suffering doesn’t help! Still, it is still Wednesday here, so I’ve just squeaked in under the wire.
.-= quilly´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday: Changes =-.
Awesome, Quilly!! Thanks for squeaking!!!! ;)
Yay 20 Haikus!! Well 20 participant, there’s even more than 20 haikus of course. Well done Jenn!
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Change Haiku =-.