Silly Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Silly Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Hallowe’en
My submission for this week:
Black cat, pause and look
See cloaked figures flit here… there
Full moon, witching hour.
Have a safe and fun Hallowe’en!
Next week’s theme: Water (I’m away on a beach vacation next week – yay me! – but I’ll have it set to go!)
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Very nicely done! I wrote mine without looking at yours first and chose orange font, too. I have a feeling we are all going to have poems more alike this week then we ever have before.
And what beach are you visiting?
Well done my friend. I love it. Hope the vacation is going well. Happy Halloween :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday – Hallowe’en =-.
very good. mine, not so much. I struggled with the theme this week.
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Haiku Wednesday =-.
ooh…very nice!
.-= Janet´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesdays – Hallowe’en =-.
eerie and entertaining, what’s next for the Hallowing eventide???
.-= LarryG´s last blog ..Haiku – Halloween =-.
Hope you have a fun Halloween too!
.-= Mighty M Family´s last blog ..wordless wednesdsay =-.
The essence of Spooky great job! Ejnoy you time away!
.-= amanda´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday: Halloween =-.
Wonderfully witchy!
I love yours!! At least I comment!!
.-= Lee the Hot Flash Queen´s last blog ..The Power of Persuasion =-.
Lovely little spooky haiku today!! Have a fab holiday, you lucky duck!
Yay you.. how fun!
Hmmm spooky haiku huh?
My Kids all dress up.
Their dad follows suit, (In Drag).
Where does that leave me?
Happy Halloween!
.-= Carissa´s last blog ..Social Media = Positive Customer Service =-.
I got ‘er done — just under the wire, but it’s posted. I had so much fun looking through old Halloween photos for inspiration! A fun one, this week — thanks, Jenn!
.-= 21st Century Housewife´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
You always rock the Haikus. :)
.-= JennyMac´s last blog ..Down doobie do down down =-.
Hubz asked me to pick
up candy at the store, post-
school. Milky Ways…Yum!
.-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..Driving Miss Daisy =-.
Hi Jenn,
Great theme for last week, have been thinking all about the past Halloweens. Your Haiku gives a great impression of the atmosphere; it’s so funny to look around at Halloween or if you are out driving, you see all sorts of people – witches waiting at the bus stop, zombees cycling down the road, ghosts in the supermarket and the Joker from Batman jump starting his car outside our house with the help of Harry Poter. An interesting evening! Hope you have a great trip and miss the storms.
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Hallowe’en Haiku =-.
hey you
sorry I have missed haikuing but I promise to get the next one. I also apologize for not being able to do that other thing. I feel terrible. :(
I just have so much on my plate right now…so so sorry!
.-= Shannanigans´s last blog ..Hallowe’en =-.