Silly Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Silly Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Light – your choice of context
My submission for this week:
Our life together
Not always sweetness and light
But it is all good.
Next week’s theme: Time
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
I can echo that sentiment about Amoeba and I! My life is so much better with him in it.
Why isn’t your comment love working? Does it love me no more?
Like the Haiku this week – I think there will be many interpretations of the word light! One of them stuck out for me this week though, we’ve dramatically changed season this week, there’s quite a lot of condensation build up on the cars – not long until we have to scrape I think!
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Light Haiku =-.
I like yours! I asked my husband for an idea and if I’d listened to him, mine would have been about light beer. It is NOT.
Oh YES! I get to be HOOKED on HAIKU this week! Whoooo hooo!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Random Dozen #5 … and Silly Haiku … =-.
Great idiom. As long as it’s all good…what more can you ask :) Well done :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..What Kind of Rock Are You?, Proofreading, The Purse and UH Football =-.
Thanks Thom for letting me know I disappeared from the linky thing; so I’m baaaack… lol
And yes Quilly, that commentluv thing seems to be a bit pick-and-choosy today, it forgot me too in my earlier comment. I wonder what happened?
.-= Susan@StonyRiver´s last blog ..Thousand Words and Silly Haiku =-.
Another great offering!
Thanks for sharing the inspiration
.-= LarryG´s last blog ..Light Haiku and to bless choice =-.
Thanks for the great prompt, Jenn. As usual I couldn’t decide on just one interpretation — so I didn’t!
.-= 21st Century Housewife´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
Thank you for hosting such a great series! I love haiku!
I learned two things while just trying to use Mr. Linky & post a comment! One, I now know your name (see my entry blog lol) and two, you (I) cannot press tab after putting my name in the 1st field of Mr. Linky-it doesn’t jump to the link field, it jumps to the previous Mr. Linky post!! I entered my Light haiku in the music one on accident, and didn’t realize it until I was reading all the comments about music lol!
Anyway, sorry for the long comment, I tend to babble. Have a Great Day!
.-= Rachael´s last blog ..A Failure and A Haiku =-.
Hi, Jenn —
Just an update — once again the fabulous commenters on my blog are commenting IN HAIKU! You are clearly a trendsetter!
— Liz
.-= 21st Century Housewife´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
So sorry this is late. It’s been a rough couple of days…
Thanks for the invite.
One of my favorite things?
Quick witted Haiku!
Rather I should pen:
Nit-witted Haiku prose is
Specialty of mine!
Now onto topic:
Darkness is absence of LIGHT.
Lord, please let me shine!
.-= The 5th Sister´s last blog ..It’s Not Easy Being 48 =-.
I have not written a haiku in a while…I might have to get in on this action. I was all about limericks a couple of months ago. I will be thinking for next week.
Thansk for stopping by my place yesterday!
Holly @ 504 Main
Your promotion of haiku is very much appreciated. As you may know, I have written haiku and published many of them in a book that is available on kindle and paperback. Like you, I am trying to promote the reading, and also the writing of haiku. Good luck.