You know… that Blog?

Haiku harshing

Written By: Jenn - Mar• 19•12

Hey haiku gang! [Clearly a post just for participants of SHW, but you can read it even if you don’t participate! ;) ]

Anyhoo, I just finished going through last week’s linked up list for our haiku community, and I’m a smidge put out. My nose is out of joint. Ever so slightly ticked off. I have a bit of a beef to lay on you. Not all of you, but, you know… some of you.

Oh drat, I’m getting all “grrr” and stuff, just like I never wanted to!

Here it is; Our beloved meme, Sensational Haiku Wednesday (A.K.A. “SHW”) is indeed sensational, isn’t it? It’s the fabulous participants that make it that way, for sure! But… it has a few guidelines that we really need to stick to. They’re not unreasonable ones either, and this is why I’m somewhat disgruntled.

The meme is 5-7-5, so that means for this meme, and in order to be eligible to link up with it, your haiku (at least one of them) must be in 5-7-5 format.

If you link up, you need to have a link back on your site. Only fair, don’t you think? The only exception to that rule would be if you’re leaving your haiku in the comments on my website.

    Please don’t try to link to posts made on Facebook or Google+ – it doesn’t work for most people unless they’re friends with you. Feel free to leave your haiku in the comments on my blog though! You’re very welcome to do that. Linking to a really old post of your own? Great, as long as it’s on topic, and you update it to include a link back here.

There’s only 2 other guidelines, and those are “link to your post and not your main site”, and “stay on theme“. You don’t even need to use the prompt word, as long as you relate your haiku to it. Past that, I don’t even demand that you use my graphics – you can use a simple text link! See? I’m so easy to deal with!

For whatever reason I found myself having to remove a pile of links today, and I felt awful doing it. I also updated a couple of links that went to main pages, which I’d really rather not have to do, and I did end up leaving a couple that I should have removed.

In the grand scheme of things I suppose this isn’t earth shattering, but this meme means a lot to me, and to many of you. I do take it personally. So I confess; I’m bummed out.


Note: SHW Will be delayed in posting on Wednesday until 9am EDT (Toronto/NY time)


Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Written By: Jenn - Mar• 14•12
Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”

The basics: Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

Here are the rules:

      Structure: While Haiku may be written by some in other styles, for THIS meme only 5-7-5 is acceptable. At least one of your haiku must be in this format.
      Theme/Prompt: We have a new prompt each week, and your haiku needs to be related to it, if not include the actual word in it. Feel free to leave a word suggestion in a comment!
      Linking: When you post your link, link to the blog post with your haiku, not to the main page of your blog.
      Reciprocate: If you participate and post your link on my website, you must have a link back here on your post. It’s only fair.

    Folks not complying with the above risk having their links removed. Don’t make me be all “Grrrr” and stuff, it makes me grumpy! Thanks for your cooperation!

    P.S. This is a really busy time for me – I may not get around to everyone each week. Sorry about that, but unfortunately I need to attend to business before pleasure!

This week’s theme is: Excite(/ment)

    Building, accelerating
    To the brighter end

Excite for a cause
No greater purpose in life
Than to cheat on death

    Awareness factor
    Use your senses, not your heart
    Key to the good fight

Heart palpitations
Complete set of butterflies
Excitement flutters


WOW! We had a record amount of submissions last week! I guess traditional haiku (dealing with nature) is well-loved. Good to know; we’ll do more of that in the future.

*** Please read the 4 simple guidelines above before you post your link – thanks!

Next week’s theme: Battle

Folks, a quick note about comments: A few of you don’t have Name/URL enabled on your blogs, and I CAN’T comment in that case. Take a moment to enable that, will you? There are other ways to combat spam and still allow people with their own domains to leave their homage to your greatness ;)

Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List (if you’re not listed and should be, please [politely] let me know!)

To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):

You can also choose to use only a text link, or either of these additional images I made for your use! Use This one (dark), or This one (light)!


Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Written By: Jenn - Mar• 07•12
Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”

The basics: Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

Here are the rules:

      Structure: While Haiku may be written by some in other styles, for THIS meme only 5-7-5 is acceptable. At least one of your haiku must be in this format.
      Theme/Prompt: We have a new prompt each week, and your haiku needs to be related to it, if not include the actual word in it. Feel free to leave a word suggestion in a comment!
      Linking: When you post your link, link to the blog post with your haiku, not to the main page of your blog.
      Reciprocate: If you participate and post your link on my website, you must have a link back here on your post. It’s only fair.

    Folks not complying with the above risk having their links removed. Don’t make me be all “Grrrr” and stuff, it makes me grumpy! Thanks for your cooperation!

    P.S. This is a really busy time for me – I may not get around to everyone each week. Sorry about that, but unfortunately I need to attend to business before pleasure!

This week’s theme is: Nature – traditional haiku challenge!

    Crashing, thundering
    In torrents, water falling
    Washing earth anew

Stillness, a cricket
Chirrups in the dark of night
No hurry for light

    Pastel petal bends
    Releasing Night’s tear, softly
    The new day dawning

A softly sighed breeze
Murmurs of the brook, dancing
Tranquility; mine


Who knew February and March would be this crazy for me? I’ll visit if I can this week!

Next week’s theme: Excite(/ment)

Folks, a quick note about comments: A few of you don’t have Name/URL enabled on your blogs, and I CAN’T comment in that case. Take a moment to enable that, will you? There are other ways to combat spam and still allow people with their own domains to leave their homage to your greatness ;)

Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List (if you’re not listed and should be, please [politely] let me know!)

To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):

You can also choose to use only a text link, or either of these additional images I made for your use! Use This one (dark), or This one (light)!