Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Ponder
Life, living, reasons
Falling leaf, children’s laughter
On this I ponderMusic, voices, joy
Friendship, distance, changes made
Revolving world, thoughts
Sorrow, anger, wrath
Light banished, unclear thinking
Echoes in the darkBrilliant blue sky
Fluffy clouds, sweeping past, sun
Clarity returns
Folks, a quick note about comments: A few of you don’t have Name/URL enabled on your blogs, and I CAN’T comment in that case. Take a moment to enable that, will you? There are other ways to combat spam and still allow people with their own domains to leave their homage to your greatness ;)
Next week’s theme: Absence
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List (if you’re not listed and should be, please [politely] let me know!)
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Loved the progression of your Haikus
You rocked these out Baby.
Thanks for hosting….G
Was that a command? ‘Ponder?’ Well, I did.
Most of your haiku are very relacing. There’s just one with a black cloud. Lovely thoughts.
You told a story cleverly there, right through our daily emotions.
An excellent interlinked collection here.
Clarity through pondering–no better way to go!
some cool senryu about things to ponder in space
pondering too much makes my head hurt!
liked your haiku =)
happy T day!
Love your haiku..you begin pondering life and end with clarity…Happy Thanksgiving!!
Loved your three haiku pieces. Thank you for a wonderful prompt. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, have a wonderful one. Many blessings to you and your loved ones. ~Olive Tree.
ps, i have an award for you =)
Only my second post here..fun to read all the submissions…
Are you going to keep the list open for a few more hours? I might have something else to post. If you don’t keep it open, I won’t be so heartbroken that I won’t survive! Just curious…
This is a very beautiful haiku, Jenn… And once again it suits me so well. Sweeping the past, sun, clarify returns. That’s what I really need right now. Have a blessed week :)