Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Resolutions
Happiness… fitness
Family time, money, rest
Getting organizedPast year was groovy
How can we make it better?
Sing, and sing some more!Thankful for my friends
Happy to have such loved ones
Lucky with my life!
Next week’s theme: Doldrums
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Your haikus are great, Jenn! I feel like they come so easily to everyone else and flow so well! Mine are ready to go, just waiting to post them so they go up tomorrow.
Hi Jenn, will write my haiku soon, nice topic :)
even next week also same topic? how come?
Oh crap, I knew I forgot something!! Will change that now – thanks Leo!!
most welcome, Jenn :) my haiku is up now. its at my WP blog itself, so you can comment this time, I hope :D
Wonderful haiku to start this year. That’s a full packed resolution to me. I’m so with you on this, except for the singing part. My voice is best kept to myself ;). Have a great day.
Happy New Year….wonderful Haiku as always, I especially like the middle one and this year will be groovier still!
These are great! Love the groovy!!!
Lovely haiku. My day away from the computyer has been changed to tomorrow so i have added myself to your linkey :O)
Singing your way through the year is not a bad way to go!
very positive take on both the year past and the new one ahead of us, I feel the same way (except the singing of course!)
Getting Groovy!
Must admit mine is cynical.
Ah doldrums for next week, yes I had a very bad night’s sleep last night so I can see why you might choose that topic. LOL! :O)
Love the Haiku’s my friend. Very well done. I’m not ignoring. My host is down and I can’t do a thing with my blog and neither can anyone else…pffft…speaking of doldrums…LOL
Hi Jenn, I am not able to see the linky.. So I am leaving my link here..
–Someone is Special–
I love these Haiku’s..
Someone is Special
So much of joy and positivity reflecting through your Haiku’s here. Makes one feel warm and welcomed :)
Wonderful upbeat Haiku Jenn – lovely!
Resolving to continue doing that which makes you happy and improves your life is wisdom, I think.
I am sorry I am late. I would promise to do better, but anymore my life is claiming my blogging time!
Loved the second haiku :)
nice post !
I’m a day late and I didn’t even realize til I read quilly’s comment. Oops.
I love these, you’re very good at this :) I would never have thought of making a list haiku, wow.