Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
As of February 3, 2010, Silly Haiku Wednesday became “Sensational Haiku Wednesday”. Please adjust bookmarks and blog posts accordingly!
This week’s theme is: Dreams
My submission for this week:
Unexpected? Shocked!
No wonder I don’t sleep well!
Hrmm. Interesting.
Next week’s theme: Freestyle! (Whatever you want)
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Wow, my second time being first….I could get used to this ;)
Here we go:
Dreams can be tricky.
A window to what is there?
Really just a dream?
Hard to cram my thoughts into the syllable restrictions, BELIEVE me!! Happy haiku-ing, everyone!!
I’m aware of your thoughts, and yes, it IS hard to fit ;)
Your dreams and my dreams have much in common, I think; although our haiku are very different.
.-= quilly´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday — Dreams =-.
both of my blogs participated this week… yippeeeeee! i have one funny, and one serious. i’m really enjoying this! thanks Jenn <3
.-= PinkLady´s last blog ..Dreaming of Rainbows =-.
uh oh… i think my comment went to your spam… let me try again :D
both of my blogs participated this week… yippeeeee! the one at Sheepish Thoughts is funny, the other one is serious.
i am really enjoying this! thanks a lot, Jenn <3
happy wednesday!!!
.-= PinkLady´s last blog ..Dreaming of Rainbows =-.
Yep they did, but I fished them out. I think it’s your IP address, which you can’t do anything about – don’t worry about it, I’m watching for stuff like that. :)
I’m so glad that I very rarely dream. And when I do I just as soon forget them LOL. Well done my friend. I like this one real well :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..How Do You Persuade People? and Band-Aids =-.
Hmm is this really just about dreams or is there something else going on? I dream a lot – I daydream a lot too! I usually remember my dreams, they are pretty vivid and very realistic, sometimes it’s not until late in the afternoon that I realize it didn’t really happen. I also talk in my sleep regularly! I went slightly off topic today – just for a change.
Hope the eyes are doing well today,
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Dreaming of Scarlet Letter Cake =-.
Dreams keep me awake at night, so I can so relate to your haiku! If you’ve noticed, a lot of my poetry of late has been about my dreams.
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday-Dreams =-.
it is so hard to get a decent night’s sleep when you have vivid dreams.
Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Dreams
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Dreams =-.
Hi, Jenn and friends. Dreamt up a few for this week’s offering. Seems my mind was pretty active on this topic. Enjoy! J-B
Dreams: fact? or fiction?
Do our minds play tricks on us?
Is there a purpose?
Dream or reality:
Suppose it really matters?
Live the moment.
Daydream believer:
Flights of fancy; mind wanders.
Hope springs eternal.
Dream the impossible,
For one day it could happen.
Believe: make it real!
One day I dreamt it:
Please, might it ever come true?
Now living my dream.
1. Yes. On all counts.
2. Agreed
3. Ah, that wandering mind…
4. We’re doing just that
5. Lucky us, lucky you ;)
And you were worried you wouldn’t be able to come up with ONE. Five excellent haiku, my friend.
Shouldn’t have had that second sleeman’s last night.. Oh well..
Am I dreaming this?
ShaMoo is first in once more?
Trickery I say.
Can it be a dream?
Blurry images are so real.
Ah! Foggy glasses.
Pfffft, Knarf…you’re just jealous ;)
You’re so funny :D
That second beer went down rather smoothly, Frankie ;) I may have overdone it a bit myself…
Way to go ShaMoo!
Dreams sparked some creativity, I see.
My Dreamy Haiku is here
.-= Enchanted Oak´s last blog ..Where Do the Words Go? =-.
In reality, I seldom dream… but I love the best dreams that when I go back to sleep fast enough, it will continue… ever have those?
Happy Wednesday!
Random Dozen
Spring Giveaways
My Grandnephew Dreams in Haiku
Joyful Signs
.-= shakira´s last blog ..SPRING GIVEAWAYS BY DIANE AND HARRIET! =-.
I dream vividly, and often, and yes, I have those continuations too.
I hardly dread or hardly remember what I dreamed, I do miss those days when I did tho!Great Haiku subject this week Jenn this was a fun subject!
.-= Amanda´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
AJ @ Simple Sweet Inspiration
RE: your haiku – I share your sentiment; patience is not one of my stronger virtues ;) Well done!
…But I can’t leave a comment on your blog, because you don’t have Name/URL enabled!! Phooey!
Someone let AJ know for me please? Thanks! –Jenn
I rarely dream (or at least I rarely remember what I’ve dreamt). Maybe that’s why I’m so out of sorts when I do remember one. Oh shoot. I forgot where I was going with this…
ugh. typical. :)
Happy SHW!
.-= tmc´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday: Dreamin’ =-.
if i quit worry,
maybe i could get some sleep.
then no bags under my eyes.
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Dreams… =-.
Hrmmm… My Mr. Linky has disappeared – their website must be down. Leave your link in the comments and I’ll get you added whenever it reappears again. How annoying!
Oh thank goodness you came by my blog this morning so that I could come here and see that you do a HAIKU MEME!? I ADORE haikus. So much. I might have to participate in this next Wednesday.
Good this gives me a couple of days to come up with a really killer one!
.-= Salt´s last blog ..Let’s talk about tats… =-.