Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
As of February 3, 2010, Silly Haiku Wednesday became “Sensational Haiku Wednesday”. Please adjust bookmarks and blog posts accordingly!
This week’s theme is: Chrysalis
My submission for this week:
Quiet reflection
Changes begin, but slowly
What of the future?
P.S. I just realized that this is my 200th post! :)
Next week’s theme: Metamorphosis
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Your poem today echos my life and thoughts, yet I went in a different direction with my haiku.
.-= quilly´s last blog .. =-.
Beautiful Haiku my friend. Well done :)
Lovely Haiku Jenn. I’ve hit a bit of writer’s block. The best I could do is this:
Monday morning dread.
Cocooning under blankets
Waiting for Tuesday.
Everyone is entitled to that, Knarf! I hope you don’t feel dread though. That would make me sad!! Love you!
Hi Jenn,
Great haiku! I think I was a week ahead of myself with mine! I’m sure I can come up with something though.
Yay 200th post! I just checked to see what number I’m at; it’s 174 already! I’ll need to be careful not to miss it, I’m clocking up posts really quickly at the moment!
Hope the recovery is going well and the pain is subsiding.
.-= Jade @ No Longer25´s last blog ..My Monday Memory: Edinburgh Botanic Gardens =-.
Thanks Jade – I don’t have extreme pain anymore, thankfully. It’s more fatigue and strain now as my sight develops and towards the end of the day when I get tired, but really not too bad even so. Better every day!
Congratulations on your 200th!
Lovely haiku. Resting. Dreaming.
Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Chrysalis
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Chrysalis =-.
Woot!! 200 posts; that awesome :)
Here’s my attempt:
Come out of the shell
Awaken to a new life
Try not to look back.
Exactly what I’m trying to do! Glad to be sharing the experience with you every day, my friend. Well done :)
Very nice, ShaMoo — I think you’re going to do a great one next week too! You’ve GOT this theme!
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.
Great Haiku!! So peaceful.
.-= Jillien´s last blog ..Haiku! New =-.
Here’s my haiku contribution, Jenn.
How fabulous to get to two hundred posts! Congratulations!
— Liz
.-= 21st Century Housewife´s last blog ..Poetry Slam: Chrysalis =-.
Thanks Liz :D It was happenstance that I even noticed the #, but it’s fun to make note of anyway!
Lovely Haiku, indeed what’s next?
.-= shakira´s last blog ..HAPPY BEST DAY, WILLIAM! =-.
Ah Jenn, changes may be slow and we may not know what the future will bring but that is what is so wonderfully mysterious and magical about our lives! You said so much in just 3 lines! Powerful.
Am also chuckling at Knarf’s entry…that is how I’ve been for the past month nursing my chronic sinus/ear infection and whatever tummy virus that I picked up along the way! Only now just starting to feel human again!
.-= Polly´s last blog ..Monday Musings-March 1, 2010 =-.
Thanks! What an outlet our haiku is for us, isn’t it? This is a year of huge changes for me, and my eyes are only the beginning. Exciting stuff!
Knarf is one of the most sensitive men I’ve ever known, so the thought of him curled up dreading the day really makes me unhappy!
Hope you feel better soon Polly!! I’ve certainly been there, and it’s no fun.
Here is my poem:
my poem
Melanie Bishop
Great job!!
.-= Denise@TogetherWeSave´s last blog ..Totally Kids Free $10 Gift Card =-.
AJ – love your haiku(s), absolutely gorgeous! I can’t leave a comment though – you don’t have Name/URL enabled in your comments! Makes me sad!! Someone please pass this along to her, k? Muchas gracias!
I love Knarf’s haiku. Especially relevant today as we woke up one hour later than normal, and 7 minutes before the bus was to come. Obviously missed that one! Had to drive them to school which made me running late . . . if only I could have just pulled those covers back over my head!
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.
And finally, Jenn, yours is beautiful. It reminds me of the scripture that asks, “can you add one more day to your life by worrying?” So, I don’t worry about the future, I just try to live fully in the moment I’m in. I don’t always get that right, but I try. Welcome back and congrats on 200~!
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.
Thanks so much :)
I’ve decided that 2010 is a transformative year for me. I’ve been unhappy with myself for a long time, and I’m not willing to be anymore. My eyes were only the beginning! Um, that doesn’t mean I’m going under the knife or anything – I just have plans to change things up and make life that much better. Thanks for taking the journey with me! ;)
Oops. I morphed this week’s theme into next week’s.
Now what will I do . . . ?
.-= jazzbumpa´s last blog ..Haiku Wenesday =-.
This is really pretty!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Smooches =-.
Offering a little something, a little toward the end of day, but still on Wednesday!
Protected in here.
Safe from horrid elements.
Soon, free as a bird!
Congrats on the 200 posts, Jenn!
And here I thought you’d forgotten me this week ;) Thanks J-B!
Happy 200th Post. Nice Haiku – does seem that I would need to use my fingers to figure one out!
.-= Joey´s last blog ..sNOw Parking =-.
Hi Jenn, Much thanks for reminding about Mr Linky. There is one thing I do not understand. You say to use the code in your post. How does this work. I tried adding it to the top of my poem but it came out look strange. Maybe I am not using it in the right place.
.-= Melanie Bishop´s last blog ..Goin’ digital =-.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
warmth stirs earths new skin
rich black soil will soon ripple
seeds turn in their dreams.
Join the fun!
I keep missing the Mr Linky.
The Haiku meme is only on Wednesdays, so there is no Mr. Linky until then :)
I can’t get this week to click! So anyway – my post for today is up.
.-= RiA´s last blog ..CSA vs Co-op =-.
Heehee, you put this on the wrong week :)