You know… that Blog?

of Friends and Farces

Written By: Jenn - Jan• 17•10

Recently I organized a fundraiser for our larger choral group, which took place last night. That I didn’t have a camera on me will forever have me mentally kicking myself!!

I haven’t put together too many fundraisers before, all by my lonesome. Ok, I confess; this was the first one. The opportunity just hadn’t presented itself until now, and as no one else wanted to pitch in… scratch that, the person I had selected to replace me on the board of directors for next season said she was all over it and would “love to help”, but then let me down in a big way and is now totally avoiding me. I’m rethinking quite a few things where she’s concerned.

But I digress.

The Comedy Club I contacted for it was a dream to work with, and made my job a much smaller headache than I would have thought possible. Because of the SNAFU I alluded to with the “helper”, our tickets were not picked up until almost the last minute, and we had only 2 days to get them into people’s hands. Naturally, because of this, many people didn’t have the date set aside, so we had a very small turn out. I’m not bitter.

We still managed to raise a decent amount of coin for our group, so all in all, and all things considered, it worked out very well. LMLP was a sweetheart, and handled the 50/50 tickets and draw for me. He also stood up and introduced our group, as I had begged asked him to. He may never forgive me for that… I set him up just a little bit. The host tends to pick on people, which I knew because ShaMoo and I and our hubbies had attended a fundraiser at this club previously. Sorry LMLP… I do have faith you’ll forgive me in time! You were awesome!

Those in attendance had a rip roaring time – we laughed until our faces hurt, and came away with memories of a great evening spent with truly great people. We watched as our resident mouthpiece… clown… no I can’t call her that on a family blog!  spaz of the group was brought up on stage and proceeded to grope the host (she shall never live this down, much to our collective amusement), and we learned more about the sex life of LMLP than he would prefer that we know. He held his own very well, though – we were suitably impressed.

I sat between two of my favorite men on the planet, so you know I was happy. (and thanks for buying a round when I finally got to our table, Knarf!) ShaMoo and her hubby completed our happy circle. My Hubby was missing though; he had to work.

Later, we went for a nightcap and nachos (Thanks ShaMoo’s Hubby!) and then back to ShaMoo’s place to pick up my kids (the Teen is ShaMoo’s sitter, and Wee One was along for the ride). Then I dropped off my two favorite men to their respective domiciles and continued home, where Hubby was awaiting our safe return.

Hubby helped me put Wee One to bed, and took a big interest in my new satin camisole…

It was a GREAT evening.



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  1. ShaMoo says:

    Whoa….TMI alert at the end there, LOL. It was a super fun night….and thanks for picking LMLP to get thrown under the bus and not me!! I thought that the “spaz” did quite well and was maybe even on the receiving end of a good grope or two….lalala, as knarf would say :)

    • Jenn says:

      heeheehee :D Oh to think of K being groped… ewwww. Certainly not by one of our circle, anyway (much to her disappointment)!

  2. Sounds like you did a great job despite the cirumstances – also sounds like you had a good evening, glad to hear it!
    .-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..A Challenging Week =-.

  3. quilly says:

    Well, the good thing about the co-leader dropping out is, you didn’t have any power struggles!

    Sounds like you were more than up to the task. Congrats on the success — start planning for next year NOW.
    .-= quilly´s last blog ..A Pair Paring Pears =-.

    • Jenn says:

      Actually I’m thinking June… the wrap up for the season would be a great social for the whole gang and make us some cash to support our next season as well!

      Chicklet isn’t capable of being a co-leader… not even a helper apparently. Um. I’m not bitter. I’m not bitter. I’m not bitter.

  4. Doodle Cakes says:

    You did a FUNDRAISER and didn’t order a cake to raffle off??? Hmpft! I’m hurt!!! Nice to know that Hubby liked your Satin camisole…Hubba Hubba! ;)
    .-= Doodle Cakes´s last blog ..Purple Obsession Purse Cake =-.

    • Jenn says:

      OOOOOOH! Great idea for next time!!! We didn’t do ANYTHING in the way of prizes this time, Doodle – but definitely will do that next time. You have to agree to come though, ok?!

  5. Thom says:

    Well it sounds to me like you handled this just perfectly. Congrats my friend. And also sounds like you had a wonderful night out. :)
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..HAU’OLI LA HANAU Grandfather =-.

  6. Troublemaker says:

    Great job Jenn, sorry someone backed out. Been there done that as you are well aware of. And kinda brave of you with your description of the groper but not too far off hehe. Anyways if I’m up to it I might be able to help you out on the next event, but June is sooo far away right now lol.

    The question is how long it will take for you to figure out exactly who this is :)

  7. Melissa B. says:

    You’re a true powerhouse! You should put some of that ability raising funds for Haiti. I’m amazed by your accomplishments…Bravo!
    .-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..It’s Complicated =-.