Silly Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Silly Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Birthday Woes/Joys
It is actually my birthday the 3rd anniversary of my last birthday today, which I guess I have to deal with in one fashion or other. This time I choose to haiku:
My silly submission for this week:
My birthday again.
Happens every bloody year!
Ok fine. Bring it!
I run but can’t hide.
Oh 1967…
So long ago now!
Next week’s theme: Cupcakes – certainly a happier theme for me! ;)
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day, full of shenanigans ;)
.-= Shannanigans´s last blog ..Silly Haiku Wednesday =-.
Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day and lots of celebrating and treats!
Each day is special
So celebrate your birthday
Time is the best gift
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Birthday Haiku Wednesday =-.
Hi Jenn, am back and thanks for the invites to join here. Mine is up on my other blog. Happy Birthday.
.-= Pacey´s last blog ..Birthday Haiku =-.
Happy, happy birthday anniversary :D I’m only a year younger than you and say they are ALL worth celebrating – just keep finding cool things to do. Haiku works wonders [though I’m partial to European trips, or copious amounts of chocolate…].
Thank you for the invitation!
.-= stephanie (bad mom)´s last blog ..how do you haiku? =-.
Your Birthday is here
Freckled Mocha coming soon
All for you my friend
Happy Birthday Jenn!!!!!!!!!!!
Ode to you fine girl
on your most special day yet
celebrate in style
.-= JennyMac´s last blog ..Ungrateful =-.
An official letter to your family. Just cuz I’m wierd. :)
Dear Jenn’s family,
Please pamper my friend on her birthday. She deserves it. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Hi Jenn, I tried my best. I am in!
P.S. Please delete the link in your previous Haiku. I made a booboo.
Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Oh, I mean anniversary – don’t feel bad, next month I’ll be celebrating my 14 anniversary of my last birthday! I am getting old!
.-= Martha´s last blog ..Watery Wednesday =-.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and awesome haikus!
Sorry if you tried to get in over the last hour – our server was attacked and overwhelmed for a little while, but it’s back up now. Crosswinds rocks :)
I’m a day tardy on the haiku! I’ll do one now. So, what did you “steal” from my website. I don’t see anything ;)
.-= Meg´s last blog ..A Day For Some Painting =-.
Enjoy your day, dear;
Birthdays are truly crafted
For you to enjoy!
.-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..Oh, They’re Still Talking About that Dead Priest. Do You Think He Smells? =-.
Okay, you know that I don’t do Haiku….and it’s Saturday now anyway :) BUT, I just wanted to send out HUGE belated birthday wishes to one of my dearest friends…. Hope it was awesome!! Let’s get together soon to celebrate :)
Thanks for the invitation to play (I’ll try to remember) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY … belatedly. In the meantime:
luv both of your ‘ku’s
’67 – the year I
began teaching kids ;–)
Hugs and blessings,
.-= storyteller at Small Reflections´s last blog ..Multi-tasking on Monday in a BIG Way =-.