I am Jenn.
I am a mom of 2.
I am a wife.
I am a singer.
I am passionate in all ways, and always passionate.
I am a writer, and door-ajar, peeking-out closet poet.
I am an entrepreneur.
A workaholic.
A moderate but slow success.
I am a spelling and grammar Nazi.
I am the original, published Garagesale Guru.
I am a Trekkie.
I’m a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a good friend. A dreamer, lover, photographer, traveler, teacher, student. A geek, a fixer of all things, a nurse, psychiatrist, mind-reader, an artist, a maid, and a chauffeur. A blogger since my first post back in 2009.
I am all of this, and more. If you really want to know more about me, though, just stick around and chat a while.