Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”
Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)
This week’s theme is: Reflection
My submission for this week:
Tho’ not a full year
It feels longer, thinking back…
How far we have come!
Next week’s theme: Milestones
Note: Nothing makes me happier than to see new people getting “hooked on haiku”! Keep it going to make it to the Hooked on Haiku List
To participate in this week’s event, please use the following code in your post on your own blog (if you don’t have a blog, post your Haiku as a comment):
I mentioned to my friends that I wouldn’t upload anything until about 8:00 am… Trouble is that I’ve got to leave the house before then; It’s for a dentist appointment in another town. So with profound apologize I’ve had to break my word (they’ll most likely laugh and say…sure Knarf). Regrettably I’ve rushed these up for ShaMoo’s sake. She says she’s still competing, but I think she’s gone to bed early…again!
Last minute Haiku’s?
On reflection not that good.
But they are something.
Cryptic reflections.
Can apply to anything;
Or situation.
Reflect on the past?
A sombre review of things?
Why did I do it?
But would things differ;
If I had not done it?
Would I be alright?
I’d like to think so.
I think I would be closer.
But probably not.
Things never equal.
So! Where would I be today?
If I had not done it?
Upon reflection,
I think I’ll try for midnight.
I did say at eight.
I’m so curious!
Will she be up by midnight?
I’ve just got to see!
What kind of image?
Gosh! What have I created.?
Deceiver? Liar?
Ah maybe she’ll win.
To reflect! Does it matter?
Heck not really.
Best of luck to her!
‘cause seeing is believing.
It’s then I’ll reflect.
Awww, you big stinker!! I knew you couldn’t resist it…dentist, shmentist. Good job; these are great, Knarf!!
Pfffft! We knew you’d be here, Frankie. Talked about that on the way home tonight in fact! There was no way you were going to wait for morning ;)
Well done!
Always thinking back
Reflecting on our moments
Kept safe in my heart.
How far we have come
Has it really been a year?
We have just begun!
Okay, hit the wrong button and it posted ending with a question mark and no other comments from me!! That’s just not right. Anyhoo, my submissions are near and dear to my heart…. Have a great week, all!!
I was thinking you’d be here too ;) Well done; we feel the same way, as usual! Sorry you didn’t win though, heehee
Ah ShaMoo…these are beautifully Done! …love them!… :)
I hope you’re day is as great as your thoughts…keep safe luv.
Time either contracts to nothing or expands to forever. It depends on whether or not one is having fun. ;)
.-= quilly´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday ~ Reflection =-.
And in that almost year ya sure do sound great. Well done. :)
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Three Word Thursday #54 (You might want to read this for a TP4WW Update) =-.
Been doing a lot of looking back myself lately. Nicely done Jenn!
.-= Polly (aka 5th Sister)´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday – Reflections =-.
Week 48, and we are “reflecting” on events, people and experiences in our lives that mean so much to us all. Great contributions Jenn, ShaMoo and Knarf. Gee you guys, . . . . So here’s some thoughts to ponder and muse as we reflect and move forward . . . . .
Reflections don’t lie.
Not the original, but close.
So, love the real deal!
Look in the mirror:.
Do I see what others do?
No I don’t, really.
Looking back on life,
Reflections on the journey.
Would I change much?; some . . . . .
Mirror reflection:
Where is that handsome young man?
He’s moved on, and up!
Candid reflection:
I would not have foreseen this.
What a joyous ride!
Mill Pond reflections:
Precious moments, spent with you.
Thanks so much for those!
Pensive reflection:
Where we were: where we are now.
I am very blessed!
‘Til next we meet, my friends. J-B
Wonderful, as always J-B! :)
“A Distant Mirror”:
Tuchman’s reflections on the
Fourteenth Century.
.-= jazzbumpa´s last blog ..Haiku Wednesday – Reflection =-.
to wait for a year is like a lifetime. but if you look back, you can’t even figure out where it went. i love your haiku, jenn.
i have posted mine in both blogs as usual ;) see what you’ve done to me??? hehe
.-= Bing (PinkLady)´s last blog ..Reflection (Haikus) =-.
Good point, Bing!! I’ve never thought of it that way :)
This year is passing by in the blink of an eye for me!
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday =-.
you guys touch a ton of hearts –
all “brain blowers!”
.-= LarryG´s last blog ..Haiku Reflection =-.
I’ll be back on the Haiku Express, before you know it. Just haven’t been feeling the spirit recently. Don’t fret, though…I’m cultivating my creative juices for next week!
.-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..Tennis, Anyone? =-.
Better late than never!
.-= Magical Mystical Teacher´s last blog ..Haiku Wednesday: Reflection =-.
Why is it that “thinking back” always “feels longer”? Some kind of time-warp thing going on, I guess…
.-= Magical Mystical Teacher´s last blog ..Haiku Wednesday: Reflection =-.