You know… that Blog?

Weekend Funnies

Written By: Jenn - May• 01•10

For more Weekend Funnies, head over to Shakira’s place

I found a “Really Stupid Joke Book” at the book store the other day, and bought it just in case I drew a blank on this meme again. Good thing, because with the way my eyes are lately, I don’t feel all that funny and I’m blanking all over the place!

Random jokes as I flip through the book… All G rated… sorry.

Why is twice ten the same as twice eleven?

    Because twice ten is twenty, and twice eleven is twenty too. (I’ll wait… … …*ding!* got it? Great, moving on)


Did you hear about the fool who keeps going around saying “NO!”?


Oh, it’s you! (hey I warned you these were stupid…)


What’s a cow’s favourite love song?

    “When I fall in love, it will be for heifer”


No, not that one.

Wow, that one is more than stupid.

Hrm. I don’t get that one.


Ok, here we go! Doctor Doctor! Jokes:

Doctor! Doctor! I feel like a sheep!

    That’s baaaaaaad


Doctor! Doctor! I feel like an apple!

    We must get to the core of this.


Doctor! Doctor! I feel like a dog!


Yeah… I know. I’ll try to do better next week!


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  1. shakira says:

    I am glad you are still having some humor left.
    Lovely to have you back.
    You got to keep laughing, Jenn
    and besides, you are already a fantastic singer!
    love it! love you!
    Happy Weekend!

  2. Jessica says:

    LOL those were cute. I had to read the twice 10 like 3 times before I got it. (In my defense I haven’t had my coffee yet this morning!)

    I hope you are having a great weekend!
    .-= Jessica´s last blog ..6WS #3 =-.

  3. Betty says:

    LOL! I like that you “waited for us” on that first one. It took a while… :)
    .-= Betty´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  4. quilly says:

    I don’t know, Amoeba just fell for the 10+10 and 11+11 joke. That gives it a pretty high rating in my book.
    .-= quilly´s last blog ..Weekend Reflections ~ Seattle =-.

  5. Ji says:

    yes, it is funny indeed!
    thank you for the beautiful laugh!

  6. carma says:

    A little G-rated humor is always nice :-) I get a kick out of the bloggers who are all f-this f-that. It’s too exhausting for me to try to play “cool” Hope you are doing better with the eye debacle
    .-= carma´s last blog ..Bring Out Your Inner Yogi! =-.

    • Jenn says:

      I don’t think the bloggers who f-bomb their way through their blogs are cool… I think they probably think they are, but “crass” or “low class” is probably a better descriptive for them. If you can’t get your point across to your readers without inserting stuff like that every other word, it’s probably not worth writing about. Definitely not worth reading. I’m far from a puritan and have definitely uttered the word more than once, but not on my blog, or FB, or in a crowd of people. Not necessary, not cool. Just my humble opinion ;)

  7. Annie says:

    I thought they were funny. But then I AM simple minded. Have a lovely weekend, my friend. I am looking forward to more jokes next week.
    .-= Annie´s last blog ..boys are the bomb. =-.

  8. Knarf says:

    … loved the jokes ..laughed at the chicken joke..

  9. Tortuga says:

    Awesome! I love corny jokes!!
    .-= Tortuga´s last blog ..I’ve Applied To Grad School =-.

  10. Sadako says:

    Heh. I know I’m very silly but I really liked all these. Esp. the chicken one.
    .-= Sadako´s last blog ..Movies in a Minute: The Devil Wears Prada =-.