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Sneaky pictures

Written By: Jenn - May• 27•09

Over the weekend we spent time in the gardens doing a general cleanup, planting our many pots and hanging baskets, tending to the perennials, etc. As usual, my camera was in hand, and I snapped pictures merrily, not thinking anything of it. The good ones went in my facebook photo album, as usual.

Apparently there was one picture of my husband weeding in the garden that he didn’t take kindly to though! So instead of complaining about it, what does he do? He sneaks into our bedroom early this morning and takes a picture of me asleep!

I am so thankful he’s a technoboob about that particular camera and didn’t know how to get the picture off the card!

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  1. Doodle Cakes says:

    OOoO! He does have a sneaky side to him!! At least he had his shirt on that pic..not like the last one.. Mouahahah!

  2. Jenn says:

    I really would have killed him dead if he’d managed to upload that picture. It was… unflattering to say the least! And I took that shirtless picture of him off when he asked! heehee